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Why is dual wielding so gimp?


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All weapons seem to have advantages and disadvantages but calling something gimped because you cant use it well is foolish....plenty of people have had great results with duel wield. Just cause something sucks for your character does not mean it sucks.

I can use it well. It's gimp because it's inferior to every other method of melee. That is the definition of gimp.

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its inferior FOR YOUR CHARACTER. mine uses duel wield just fine, he also uses a 1h and a shield and also uses 1h and magic. I have another character that uses 2handed. I like duel wield, and for my character that uses everything but 2handed, duel wield is his main way of working. I slaughter groups of people very fast, something 2handed or sword and board is not capable of doing as fast although they are both very fun and capable. But that's the point of duel wield kill fast....hell most of the things i fight die before they hit me. Dragons included. hell elder dragons included.
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If that fits you and your enjoyment of the experience that's fine, but it's EXTREMELY intolerable to me to have to soak up damage when I'm trying to roleplay a rogue that fights with finesse. I can't believe you're arguing against adding a parry option for dual wielding. It's senseless. If you can't parry when you're dual wielding why can you parry using a single weapon?


The real reason Bethesda didn't add a parry option is because they developed the game purely for the console which doesn't have the extra hotkeys for a parry and s*** a low grade port on us.

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Well in reallity you can not parry effectively while dual weilding. You simply lack both the strength behind each weapon, and the agility to coordinate them appropriately for it. Sorry if the movies and books made for entertainment have convinced you otherwise. So adding parry to dual weilding is not realistic. Not unless you give it a extremely low procurement rate.


As for how dual axes/swords/maces work in game so far. I play it on the top difficulty (master or w/e the word is.) and have no problem with my maces or axes. I also maneuver and fight smart, using as best as I can engineer with the engines abilities as real combat tactics for melee weapons. Maybe you should look into some videos of proper sword/axe/mace fighting to adjust you're play style accordingly.

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Dual wield isn't gimp. You can demolish anything on adept difficulty in seconds with dual wield. Stop running around with low stamina, get the -stamina cost perks and DW perks, use time stop or elemental fury, and spam those power attacks.


You aren't going to succeed dual wield by playing like you would sword and shield or 2h or 1h. You're going to succeed using dual wield by playing like you are using DW. You can't take hits nearly as well, so stop letting enemies get hits off at all. Don't try and dodge, try and stagger, or slow(see time stop), or simply kill. Dead enemies can't hurt you. Knocked down enemies can't hurt you. Staggered enemies can't hurt you. Enemies moving several times slower than you can't hurt you.


Enemies moving as fast, or faster than you CAN hurt you, so stop trying to dodge, and start killing.


You can plow through them EASIER using a 2h weapon AND you get to parry!


You can plow through them EASIER using a 1h weapon and a shield because you get to block and stun!


Logical conclusion: Dual wielding is GIMP


Easier but not faster. The implied premise that harder = gimp is false, your conclusion is false.


so there is a talent that shows Bethesda specifically had dual wielding warriors/combat rogue types in mind as well.


Lets resort to something simple: the loading screens! Yknow the one with the big, scary, unarmored dual wielding orc? The one that specifically says dual wielding is intended to offer greatly increased damage for loss of block(ie, berserker sort of gameplay)? I think thats what they had in mind too!


it's EXTREMELY intolerable to me to have to soak up damage when I'm trying to roleplay a rogue that fights with finesse. I can't believe you're arguing against adding a parry option for dual wielding. It's senseless. If you can't parry when you're dual wielding why can you parry using a single weapon?


Dual wielding isn't about finesse though. Use a single weapon.


Do you honestly thing its just as easy to parry while dual wielding as it is with one weapon? It simply is not.

Edited by Trey5511
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You're meant to use it with sneaking. Dual wield daggers and get the x15 backstab perk. If you then do the double power attack, you'll kill most things in one hit. If you get the gloves that double that up to x30, you're unstoppable and can move around areas undetected and kill everything in one attack without anyone else noticing. It's at the point now where I can roll around a village invisibly and kill everyone in the whole village in about 30 seconds without anyone noticing. But I do agree, it's not good at all if you don't do the assassin type of character, say if you're dual wielding axes and trying to be an up-front warrior.

Well the problem in your logic that you're "meant" to do it while sneaking and one shot everything is that there is an attack speed perk which isn't that beneficial for sneak attacks, so there is a talent that shows Bethesda specifically had dual wielding warriors/combat rogue types in mind as well.


Actually If you take the perks dual wielding is rather Neat and you can alternate between left and right mouse buttons and attach rather fast even building into a combo (similar to being in werewolf form, if you get the right speed timing you can just {left, right, left, right,} so fast that the enemies just never get a chance to hit you.), as far as the parry, yeah i agree there should still be a parry, but honestly have you tried remapping your block key? i haven't tried it because i haven't needed to. And also not that I consider this a proper dodge but there is a dodger skill under sneak, though i don't like that you have to use it while sneaking or that it is only a roll forwards.

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Well after reading this thread I just have to laugh. Earlier today I was thinking how playing a daul wielding rogue was feeling over powered. If I sneak up behind someone he is dead regardless of weapon style since it is an automatic killing blow. I fought the the wight lord in the moonstone mine and he dropped in 3 attacks. First power followed by left then right attacks. The right attack critted which gave me a cool scissors style beheading cut scene.


Dragons are also no propblem, I just flank them before doing my power attack.


I can only guess that the OP does not have a good set of perks in 1H or you are using poor weapons. I have Flawless Skysteel Axe and Sword with my perks mainly in 1h, Light Armour and Sneak. So far the only things that give me trouble are dwarven centurion's and being mobbed. Given how many people are also having no problem with it the OP may want to take a step back and look at their setup to find what is wrong.

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