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Why is dual wielding so gimp?


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Mate, just use elemental fury and spam them attacks. I play on expert and stuff dies very fast, regardless of size, level, weapons etc. I have made a weaponmaster type character, who specialises in close range melee, so no archery, no magic (apart from restoration) just pure beserking melee with a redguard, and you know what, on adept, i found dual wield overpowered, stuff died to fast so I switched to expert to make things harder, while using sword and board, or 2hander. When I started dual wielding again, i got hurt a bit, so I got the currently 2 level Elemental Fury shout and now stuff dies stupidly fast. I can even switch it up with dagger in one hand, sword in the other just for kicks ( and the dagger is an elven one with soul trap on it ).


Really, people missed the point that the perks are there to facilitate certain playstyles. There is a use and place for them all, it's up to you to exploit the oppurtunities they present by adapting and working with what they give you. Love this game, and can't wait to play through it again when I have finished with this char.

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Guys, I think you are kind of missing his point. Yes, there are ways to exploit dual wielding to pretty much instakill everything. Just like with my destruction mage I can stun lock everything forever with impact fireballs and shitloads of magicka regen. There has always been ways to pretty much break the game in regards to difficulty in the elder scrolls games. Constant levitation enchantment in morrowind, for example, or 100 % chameleon in oblivion (the invisibility spell alone pretty much breaks the game, to be honest). Thing is, it's no fun playing like that. At least I don't think so. That's why I try to vary my spells as a mage and try out different tactics. They are all worse than stun locking with the fireball, but they are much more fun.


I haven't tried dual wielding yet, so I don't know how much you can vary and experiment with tactics, but for five pages now people have just been repeating "grrrr, you suck, I instakill everything, yo!" From my standpoint, it seems like loldude's been trying to say that he doesn't want to instakill everything. And I agree with him. 100 hours of gameplay killing all enemies in 1-3 blows doesn't sound very challenging and enjoyable to me. If this is the only way to effectively play a duel wielding warrior character, I think I'll have to pass.


oh and lolsomething, I read in one of those tips that pop up during the loading screen that you can't block with dual wield because you are too weak to block a blow with just one arm. When using a single one handed weapon you support the hilt with both hands while blocking. I think it makes sense (though honestly I don't know jack about medieval warfare), though it would be cool with some sort of "strong arms" perk.

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I haven't tried dual wielding yet, so I don't know how much you can vary and experiment with tactics, but for five pages now people have just been repeating "grrrr, you suck, I instakill everything, yo!" From my standpoint, it seems like loldude's been trying to say that he doesn't want to instakill everything. And I agree with him. 100 hours of gameplay killing all enemies in 1-3 blows doesn't sound very challenging and enjoyable to me. If this is the only way to effectively play a duel wielding warrior character, I think I'll have to pass.


I remember his primary example being struggling to kill a dragon priest because dualwielding was so weak?

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oh and lolsomething, I read in one of those tips that pop up during the loading screen that you can't block with dual wield because you are too weak to block a blow with just one arm. When using a single one handed weapon you support the hilt with both hands while blocking. I think it makes sense (though honestly I don't know jack about medieval warfare), though it would be cool with some sort of "strong arms" perk.


I agree this is acceptable however there is a big difference between blocking and a parry / counter attack. I think you should still be able to parry, but unfortunately its not an implemented feature :(

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I haven't tried dual wielding yet, so I don't know how much you can vary and experiment with tactics, but for five pages now people have just been repeating "grrrr, you suck, I instakill everything, yo!" From my standpoint, it seems like loldude's been trying to say that he doesn't want to instakill everything. And I agree with him. 100 hours of gameplay killing all enemies in 1-3 blows doesn't sound very challenging and enjoyable to me. If this is the only way to effectively play a duel wielding warrior character, I think I'll have to pass.


I remember his primary example being struggling to kill a dragon priest because dualwielding was so weak?


Yeah, but as far as I understood it was so weak because he wasn't exploiting it. If your only options are either being super powerful through spamming staggering attacks and other repetitive tactics or being super weak doing anything else, it kind of sucks.


But I reiterate: I haven't played a dual wielding character, so I don't know whether these really are the two only options.

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A dodge ability would work nicely maybe sprint key and direction to dodge to add some more immersion. Having it cost stamina. But thats not just a DW concept but an overall gameplay concept. Beyond that the only thing you could do with DW really is rapid attacks. Thats the entire point of using two weapons and not one.
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I don't know why people keep bragging about Skyforge Steel weapons when there are way better weapons in terms of damage and raw upgrades...


You can upgrade them up to Legendary.


Fine / Flawless / Exquisite / Epic / Legendary

I think its like that, but for some strange reason, I upgraded Ebony stuff from Exquisite to Flawless so I don't even know if that's the real upgrade tiers...

Edited by dra6o0n
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when did more challenging = gimp? I must be getting old.

I rerolled my stunlocker, i mean my mage, for the challenge. Now playing no magic at all, alchemist, light armor, duelist on master. very tactical gameplay, but now im over 30 and im starting to really shine. Love how there's so many builds in skyrim. Gonna take forever to play through them all.

But ya i have to think more with this build so its gimp as $%#@.....

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I see there are pros and cons to duel wielding. and some people are either unwilling to use it with sneaking and are complaining about the lack of defense capabilties. im not super far in (lvl 16) but the main issue for straight up combat is lack of defense. the slomo shout compliments duel wielding like crazy. you can get like 4 or 5 power hits easily with duel wielding in slo mo. Also slo mo makes dodging completely feasible. i know everyone says its gimp but in this way i seem to be able to plow through a ton of enemies with speed. i use light armor and i cant soak up a lot of hits but i honestly dont get hit a whole lot either.
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really odd, ofcourse you can parry with duel wield, i say even better with 2 hands.

when a blow (energy) is split into a single arm, there is a chance it become overpowered, while you use both arms, you can properly block a counter a force.

oh and read somewhere about the effecency of DW, any man can be thought to learn both hands to cordinate, only many people learn to depand on a single hand/arm

with proper training, any man can write left handed, and right handed without problem.


oh and why can't you not role without stealh?, it will have made perfect sens for a DW, to role dodge a attack

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