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The Dragonborn Legacy


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You do have an excellent point, but remember that this perk tree isn't the only perk tree to be implemented. Both perk trees are suppose to compliment each other and be used side by side and fill in each others holes. I plan on this first perk tree to be the 'general mastering' of the dragon form and thus would force the player to choose the perks wisely. Just because the Dovah Skill has reached 100 doesn't mean that players won't get more skill points to use on it though. Where this tree lacks - which when observed, one could see the lack of early skill perks in comparison to late skill perks - the specialization tree will make up. I'm thinking of making both trees feed from the same skill if not two skills of the same trait like two sides of the same coin. Nevertheless, the skills will go hand in hand.


My hope is that with both trees implemented, people will be too busy filling out the specialization tree to be bothered with the dovah mastery perk tree save the small, early skill perks. Regardless, we will see how it fares in the beta testing and Quality Assurance steps of development. If it is as you predict then the perks will have to be changed around to fit accordingly.

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The last war of Dovahkin,

That would then be the day when he and a hundred man marched to the plains of Alduin's reign,

There they fought, during eternal night, there their blood painted the Oblivious rock solid ground.


Or would that be when the Hero becomes the Tyrant?

When Dovah and Dovahkin unite more than in name?

Would the last hope of mankind become the one who slaved them all besides his Dragon Lord?


Only time will tell...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, this mod sounds the tits! Seriously.


Have you considered incorporating some of the difficulty mechanics of mods like Deadly Dragons into your mod? That might be beyond the scope of your intent to create a new major quest, but I thought it worth mentioning. I've found the vanilla dragons to be a complete push over, not to mention the vanilla dragon encounters have left a lot to be desired.


A few ideas *I* think would really add to the mod would be support for...


Tougher dragons.

More dynamic dragon battles, meaning involve more strategy (probably an IA mod).

Encounters involving more than 1 dragon


Just some ideas. Eitherway the mod sounds freakin' sweet and I'll be watching for it.

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I'm totally into this mod (being a dragon lover myself :P ) ! If only the CK came out now ..


And I wonder,Dragonrest will have houses for each dragon ?Or they will just hang on the wall ?


Oh and an Idea !Perhaps when Dragonrest will be finished building or when the Dragonborn returns after defeating Alduin the people would sing "Dovahkin,Dovahkin" in respect !

Edited by Danidragon
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This sounds very great actually, if it can be done (It sounds like a tremendous amount of work). The idea of evil Greybeards is really interesting, seeing as their use of the voice provides a good change in gameplay. I think one of the biggest pittfalls would be to have the voices not done by a competant voice actor, I don't mean so much in delivering the lines, but far too often the evilness of the voice is exaggerated. The main thing to remember is that the vanilla voice actors of the Greybeards are old men, and old men would be really needed for a good experience in the mod...not sure where you'd find them though.
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Yes, with the CK around the croner plese tell me you guys started to get things organized. I really can't wait for that mod to come out... If you need more people for testing let me know ;)


I was wondering if you could explain the pereked armor a little more: What does it do exactly.Extra armor i guess maybe Damagereflection? Does it change the looks?


And I'm also curious about the scripting for flight. Do you guys already know how to realize it? I mean as far as i know nothing like this is in the game already and there has not been an equal approach to flight in previous TES mod.

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I'm planning to have all 3 in one way or another.



Dragonrest isn't my call as it's Neo Hikato's section. Over on our forums we've wrapped up the questline for chapter 1 and begun on the questlines for chapter 2 where we'll be discussing dragonrest more in depth as Neo describes to us his vision and we give him feedback.



Yea I know what you mean, I've been hearing samples of different VA work and I must say that none so far really sate my need for a legitimate sounding old man. Sure we have wonderful VA's auditioning, but most if not all don't cut it for the voice of an old man. As far as evilness in their voices go, it's really up to the scene/dialogue director of the voices' intentions, which I have a lot of faith in our guy Hippeus.



I've been rearing the team to get our act together since January 2nd, but since this is but a hobby, real-life comes first.


The perked armor from the Dovah perk tree does not change the looks in any way. With each form, the visible scales will give the player an amount of physical damage absorption and an amount of magicka resistance which will be static until the release of chapter 2 with the specialization perk tree. In the Dovah tree, the perks simply gives an extra bonus to the dragon armor without visible ramifications as the specialization morphing with chapter 2 will dictate how the dovah tree perks will actually work.


As said by Robert Downy Jr. in Sherlock Holmes 2, "This is so deliciously complex!" Okay, so I already mentioned this in the Expanded Dragons, Bigger Battles mod request thread and I'll quote here.


I like the idea of adding additional challenges and diversity to the dragon encounters. One change I'd really like to see, though, is in their non-combat behaviour. Why would an ancient and brilliant entity like a dragon spend all day, every day, circling over the same square kilometre of tundra? Dragons should move unpredictably across vast swathes of land, hunting and causing mayhem as they go, or they should be at home sleeping and counting their loot. Nuts to this figure-eight garbage.


I figure that Bethsoft is using a pathing structure for the dragons and so while flying (out of combat) the AI can only randomize the path that it's taking like a complex railway system. In combat however, the dragon AI picks out a creature with a high aggro position (stupidly throwing levels out the window) and will redirect the chosen path and break from it temporarily to land. I aim to fix the Dragon AI (including flight paths) to a more random and unpredictable way. To do this (in conjunction to adding a playable dragon transformation) I'll be creating sensors to detect accelerations in every way and tweak the animations to behave accordingly. This way there won't be a need for a path and the dragon animation will (for example) aim it's wings when flying up or tilting its body while turning without the need of a path to tell it what to do. Another thing I aim to do is add a realistic aerodynamics system for dragon flight. So if a dragon is going up, it will need to flap its wings to continue going up, but if it's going down at any angle it will be able to glide. I find most games nowadays randomize when a flying creature flaps its wings and it drives me crazy.


So in other words, I'll be setting up six different time-sensitive sensors to detect a deviance in velocity that will cause animations to playback correctly. On the front of actually having an object free-fly, that falls under the aerodynamics system. I will have variables for lift, drag and torque to simulate the player trying to stay afloat in the air with this, the player will be forced to stay afloat by flapping the wings - if this shows too cumbersome for the player I'll automate it. Nevertheless, it's a simple coordinate displacement to have something fight the virtual gravity. I just hope that Beth doesn't have coordinate hooks and events out the yin yang like some other games do, but if it's anything like Oblivion then that shouldn't be a problem.

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Yes, Dragonrest is my idea. There will be homes for both mortals and dragons which would be made as the player recruits more, both civillians and soldiers. As for the singing, it was an idea I thought once. It would be neat to implement it.

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So in other words, I'll be setting up six different time-sensitive sensors to detect a deviance in velocity that will cause animations to playback correctly. On the front of actually having an object free-fly, that falls under the aerodynamics system. I will have variables for lift, drag and torque to simulate the player trying to stay afloat in the air with this, the player will be forced to stay afloat by flapping the wings - if this shows too cumbersome for the player I'll automate it. Nevertheless, it's a simple coordinate displacement to have something fight the virtual gravity. I just hope that Beth doesn't have coordinate hooks and events out the yin yang like some other games do, but if it's anything like Oblivion then that shouldn't be a problem.


Sounds great and i think with a non-auntomatic flap you would have a awesomeskill-based element. Reminds me of the flightsystem in the game "War of the Monsters" for the dragon character "Raptros" (great game btw.). Where you had to use flap to (re-) gain height while gliding with its speedboost and minor uplift after a dive was your main way to travel. I remember that it took quite some time to get into the system but once you managed it it became extremly satisfying.

And lets face it the static flight mods for previous TES games were so unchallenging that flight just felt like a gamebreaker...

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Regarding the Dragonform shout, I had some ideas along how it would be acquired and what it would mean.


I think it would be hugely appropriate if the dragonform shout consisted of words meaning the opposite of those in the Dragon Rend shout. Essentially the player can learn dragon rend (which is an alien shout to dragons) because he/she is mortal and finites. Those concepts are foreign to a dragon.


In the same way, as the Dovahkiin absorbs dragon souls he becomes more and more the dragon himself, less mortal, less finite.


So I think that along the way the Dovahkiin would have a less and less useful dragon rend shout as the concepts behind it become more and more alien, and at the same time I think that his/her "base race" should slowly shift into a full on permanent dragon. The end result would be a dragon with a "Humanoid Form" shout to allow you to interact with NPCs (which can be toggled).

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