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The Dragonborn Legacy


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I imagine Dwiinfenaak to be strong, bold and young as Ohdaviing yet kind-hearted as Paarthurnax.


Don't worry about the concept drawing of Dragonrest - that's the concept artists' jobs, you just describe it as you feel it should be. I myself have a pretty close idea of the city just from your descriptions. When Chapter 1 is nearing completion I can draw up a concept of Dragonrest.


In other news I've been setting up the variables for the flight sim in Script Dragon without error so I'd expect to have a working pre-alpha of the flight mechanics either by tomorrow or the day after that. Meanwhile I've picked up a side project to incorporate the Calibur Ivy armor for someone else who's offering to pay. Seeing as how I have no job other than going to college, I'm going to be finishing that armor model ASAP so I can buy myself a new power supply for my desktop. Although its bran new, my desktop's power supply is only at 200 watts - minimum for modern graphics cards is 300 watts.

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I was thinking the same thing for Dwiinfenaak. He is younger than Paarthurnax, but he is just as kind. But anyways, its good to see that we are getting things done. That whole army mecahnism I talked about would be great for a future update, when we get to that part that is. It may take a while, but I know it can be done. Its not like its impossible to have the game recognize NPC class against enemy, and how many enemies the NPC is fighting and who is with them and such.


The influence system should be easier, as its adding points based on what quests and actions the player does, much like the karma system in Fallout. For example, killing bandits or any 'evil' npc would bring in positive influence from the region, while doing the opposite brings in negative influence. Each faction relies on certain aspects of the system; you won't see the Order using negative influence for their needs. This brings in faction related ways of increasing their influence in Skyrim, such as heading to a city to perform a demonstration or something to show the might of the Order, or visa versa. Just my ideas on making Skyrim more immersive.

Edited by Neo Hikato
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I suppose you could give Dwiinfenaak (I hope I spelled it right) a unique look too.In Dragonsrest are a lot of other dragons;it would be a bit hard to find him if he looked like the other dragons,given he is an important NPC he should look at least a bit different.Like Odahviing is the only red-blueish dragon and only Paarthurnax has broken horns etc. in-game,so Dwiinfenaak should be a deep or rich blue of sort.


EDIT :Oh sorry,it must be a retexture mod I'm using.My suggestion's point was make Dwiinfenaak stand out from other dragons.

Edited by Danidragon
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Well right now I'm working with a bunch of others trying to get player flight into the game.


Last I heard from Jacoo, he's been working on getting the chapter 1 dungeon into the game so I'm just waiting on a progress update from him.


Picked up a new member today zimett, and I'll get her on something too soon.

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Quick update:


I've been working on Snowcrag Depths since I'm trying to get this mod flowing quicker than it is currently. Jacoo's room turned out to be too small than what I described to him, so I'm adding his room as an extra and am working on the dungeon myself.



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