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The Dragonborn Legacy


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Well welcome aboard Zinnorokkrah, though I think you were around for a while, hehe. I haven't really been writing the scripts for the Path of the Dovah part, kind of been lazy on that end. But I am still around, and now that my classes are over for summer (From may to June..online class), I can work more on this. Hehe, though I would like to exchange ideas as well, if ya have Skype. I have been trying to make dragon lore that works fine with the current lore, so, if we work together, it would work well.
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I drew up a more in-depth concept image of the Matriarch in GIMP...







I've drawn a rough sketch of the Matriarch's head. I tried to give her an elder look while maintaining her wisdom, presence and personality by adding a couple hair lines to the back of her skull and to the sides of her neck.... if you don't like the idea, say so >:(


If can give me more details about her, her ways of defending herself, any particular characteristics you might want to implement or anything else like the shape of certain parts of her body (specially the ovular discharge holes; if you can send me a link to an image of something that looks similar to what you have in mind it would make it easier to model them). If you want a long neck, wide wings, small legs...etc.??? :turned:


I'll wait for your reply mate.



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That's a nice sketch, but I'm trying to keep the Matriarchs as close to reptilian as possible, so no hair.


My vectored GIMP drawing is actually a rather accurate conceptualization that was in my head with nothing at an angle (that wing is actually that tiny... along with the legs). As stated above the Matriarchs (at least the one in question) have no body armor and no spikes or horns.


The skin is scaly like the snake texture below, but each scale would be roughly 1' x 6".



The skin of the wings would be leathery like the dragons in-game.


The ODH's, as stated above, close up like a sphincter (if you don't know what that is, it's a design of flesh that keeps tubes closed (most famous of which is what keeps your anus closed)) I put the pic in the spoiler as I don't wanna look at it every time I look at this page.







The first Matriarch that will be put into the game will be at the bottom of the Snowcrag Keep, and she produces all of skyrim's magma dragons. Although the dragons themselves better represent magma than she, she does have fire-tinted skin similar to the leather of the dragon below(not the armor).



Her name is Golkreintoor'Vahdin (Earthly Sun-inferno Maiden) and has devoted her life for Alduin and uses the Fallen Greybeards to help Alduin. She is cold-hearted and ruthless, allowing for voluntary slaughter of her young in the name of Alduin. She utilizes a special hyper-conflagrated magma breath (I'll be coding that one) and uses her tail to smash/swipe, her wings to bash/toss, and can call dragons/dragonlings on demand from their eggs to exterminate any threat. Golkreintoor'Vahdin has sat there in her domain ever since the Dragons came to Skyrim some millenia ago. Due to Alduin's temporal absence, she has been inactive and sleeping with a stockfull of eggs in every corner of her dungeon. As being one of the older Matriarchs in Tamriel, she is completely immobile and relies on her guardian dragons to help move eggs around.


What's special about Matriarchs in comparison to normal dragons (apart from being a dragon production center) is that they have telepathy and can impose their god-like will on mortals. They will also provide a unique fighting experience in that one of the few ways to defeat a matriarch is to enter their body and kill them from the inside-out (using a miniature flesh dungeon instance (will need a custom dungeon set to look/move like the internals of a biological being)). My inspiration from this came from God of War when Kratos was moving about inside the Titan Atlas.







I finished the breastcage upgrade, now I gotta go back and finish the breastplate textures. After that I'll put them in nifskope and make their specular/glow/parallax/etc maps in GIMP.


Edited by Budz42
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That's a nice sketch, but I'm trying to keep the Matriarchs as close to reptilian as possible, so no hair.


My vectored GIMP drawing is actually a rather accurate conceptualization that was in my head with nothing at an angle (that wing is actually that tiny... along with the legs). As stated above the Matriarchs (at least the one in question) have no body armor and no spikes or horns.


The skin is scaly like the snake texture below, but each scale would be roughly 1' x 6".



The skin of the wings would be leathery like the dragons in-game.


The ODH's, as stated above, close up like a sphincter (if you don't know what that is, it's a design of flesh that keeps tubes closed (most famous of which is what keeps your anus closed)) I put the pic in the spoiler as I don't wanna look at it every time I look at this page.







The first Matriarch that will be put into the game will be at the bottom of the Snowcrag Keep, and she produces all of skyrim's magma dragons. Although the dragons themselves better represent magma than she, she does have fire-tinted skin similar to the leather of the dragon below(not the armor).



Her name is Golkreintoor'Vahdin (Earthly Sun-inferno Maiden) and has devoted her life for Alduin and uses the Fallen Greybeards to help Alduin. She is cold-hearted and ruthless, allowing for voluntary slaughter of her young in the name of Alduin. She utilizes a special hyper-conflagrated magma breath (I'll be coding that one) and uses her tail to smash/swipe, her wings to bash/toss, and can call dragons/dragonlings on demand from their eggs to exterminate any threat. Golkreintoor'Vahdin has sat there in her domain ever since the Dragons came to Skyrim some millenia ago. Due to Alduin's temporal absence, she has been inactive and sleeping with a stockfull of eggs in every corner of her dungeon. As being one of the older Matriarchs in Tamriel, she is completely immobile and relies on her guardian dragons to help move eggs around.


What's special about Matriarchs in comparison to normal dragons (apart from being a dragon production center) is that they have telepathy and can impose their god-like will on mortals. They will also provide a unique fighting experience in that one of the few ways to defeat a matriarch is to enter their body and kill them from the inside-out (using a miniature flesh dungeon instance (will need a custom dungeon set to look/move like the internals of a biological being)).




I finished the breastcage upgrade, now I gotta go back and finish the breastplate textures. After that I'll put them in nifskope and make their specular/glow/parallax/etc maps in GIMP.




Got it; I'll move my fingers and see what I can come up with :)

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Nice! Waking up and there is a huge update :) I really love to see where this mod is going. Made a small donation to keep up the motivation...


I'll be done with ym exams in the middle of July and have some spare weeks ahead of me. I am not persé a pro when it comes to modding due to a lag of experience.I can work myself into software very quickly however and I was already digging around in the CK for quite a bit. Meaning should you need some additional help for dialogues/ voiceacting /simple texturing/ creating npcs etc feel free to contact me. When it comes to scripts I am no help however...

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Alright, since the CK is working again (apparently Beth gave a hotfix a few days ago) I'm gunna finish up the armors, put them in game, make a release then catch up to where my last WIP esp was at. When that's done I'll make another release and begin on some plate leggings. Edited by Budz42
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Alright, since the CK is working again (apparently Beth gave a hotfix a few days ago) I'm gunna finish up the armors, put them in game, make a release then catch up to where my last WIP esp was at. When that's done I'll make another release and begin on some plate leggings.



Okay, after fiddling in zbrush I kept feeling I was modeling a dinosaur... :wallbash:. Here is what I've been doing to a 3dsphere :




Tell me what you think; does it suck, is it great, needs improving (it's not remotely done yet, so it does need improving), any thing you might want me to add???


Does the Matriarch have teeth...what kind of teeth? Sharp teeth, blunt teeth??? Does she have an elegant face, ugly one, does she look similar to a snake, lizard, aunt Agna?





Tell me what do you think about this one:



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