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Oblivion crash just after loading it

Lucky Dearly

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I'm getting a ctd everytime I try to launch Oblivion (from both the launcher and obmm)


there is no windows error it just closes on it's own


obse log shows this


OBSE: initialize (version = 20.6 010201A0)

oblivion root = K:\Bethesda Softworks\

plugin directory = K:\Bethesda Softworks\Data\OBSE\Plugins\


OBSE: deinitialize


just to note there isn't a obse/plugins/ directory in my data folder

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Is this a previously stable game that now isn't starting? At what point of starting the game does it crash? I see you're not installed in the default location (which is a good thing) ... are you running from a limited account or administrator account (and are you running Windows 7, Vista or Windows XP)? If you aren't using any plugins you won't have the plugins folder ... that's normal as you need to create the plugins folder when you install any OBSE plugins (MenuQue etc.), I'm guessing the OBSE initializing looks for the plugins folder to see if it needs to load anything else and ignores it if it's not found (my own OBSE log looks for it and I don't have a plugins folder either).
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yes it was stable and now its doing this. The crash happens just after I choose to launch the game (it doesn't even display the Bethesda logo, it just goes to black then goes back to the desktop), I'm on the admin account and I'm on Windows 7 Ultimate.


I don't have any obse plugin mods, odd how mine seems to check for that folder when I don't even have a plugin for it

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It's not odd that it would check. If you someday decided to install an OBSE plugin what would you like to do ... download the source code for OBSE and recomplile it, now instructing it to look for plugins? It looks for plugins by default and ignores a zero plugin result so you don't have to learn how to modify and recompile it's source code.


The game doesn't go from a working condition to a non-working condition on it's own. Have you installed any mods since the last time the game worked? Have you updated any drivers or audio codecs since the last time the game worked? I realize that you may not know the answer to that question, as most people leave auto updates on, so they wouldn't have a clue what happens behind their back. There are benefits to being a grumpy old dinosaur who turns all auto stuff off (but who does occasionally forget to check for updates, so there are down sides).

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I'm having the same problem, only it was after installing "OBGE (Oblivion Graphics Extender) core". Even after deleting all it's files, Oblivion still crashes just after the launch screen disappears. Too tired to take care of it tonight, so I'm doing a clean re-install tomorrow.


Also, I had the same problem when I accidentally activated "Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp" from Cobl (Common Oblivion), but it was fine after it was deactivated. All other Cobl plugins and files are still active. I'm using OBMM (Oblivion Mod Manager) to perform the loading and sorting of my mods.

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