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Hair on Argonian Females?


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I have a strange phenomena where certain argonian females in my game have a full flowing head of auburn hair. It only happens to the female argonians that have supposed to have the short horns towards the back of their head with the piece of cloth hanging from the horns via rings on the horns.


Some of the argonians affected are:

Tar-Meena, the scholor in the arcane university.

Skaleel in the Aylied ruin Vahtacen

Kud-ei, the head of the Bravil mages guild branch

All of these *ladies* are supposed to be to have the horns describes above.


I'm not using the Beautiful People mod.

I am using the HGEC body replacer and Roberts male body replacer.

These are the only race replacers I'm running.


I am also running an HGEC clothing and armor replacer mod, but I don't see how this would affect a certain race.

Any ideas?

Edited by bleeargh
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Make sure you're not using the .esp for Robert's that says something about Beautiful People. Use the other one that's named something like "MaleBodyReplacerV4". If that doesn't work, try going into your Data\Meshes\Character folder and see if there's anything that looks like it may be a hair mesh. What it sounds like is either you are using the "Beautiful People" version of Robert's, which shouldn't work anyway if you don't have BP installed, or somehow there's a hair mesh that got dropped into the folder and somehow is named the same as one of the argonian hairs. If you find it, delete it and the game should go back to normal.


Might help to download Nifskope so you can view the meshes before you delete them.

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Okay. I've found the hair style that is being placed on the female argonians. It called soyastyle03.nif. It got installed by the Abriael Human Races revamped mod. And before everyone berates for not listing this mod in the first place, I totally forgot I had installed it. Anyhoo, I removed the "soya" folder from the "meshes" folder in the oblivion "data" folder and now the argonian females have nothing on their heads at all. They are completely bald. Very sad. Any ideas on how to fix this without removing the mod? Basically, every female argonian that has the "argonian decorated spikes" on their heads is being changed to the "soyastyle03" hair style. I'm a novice at the CS, however I did look at the female argonians with the Abriael Human race ESP set as the active file and the argonians look correct. They don't show the hair on the preview of the face in the CS. I'm not sure where else to look. Edited by bleeargh
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I fixed the problem, but it's a rough fix. I extracted the argoniandecoratedspikes.nif file from the oblivion meshes.bsa and renamed it soyastyle03.nif and placed it in the "soya" folder that the Abriael Human race mod installed. This makes the female argonians look correct in the game, but it doesn't fix why the abriael human race mod wants to change the argonians in the first place. Edited by bleeargh
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I fixed the problem, but it's a rough fix. I extracted the argoniandecoratedspikes.nif file from the oblivion meshes.bsa and renamed it soyastyle03.nif and placed it in the "soya" folder that the Abriael Human race mod installed. This makes the female argonians look correct in the game, but it doesn't fix why the abriael human race mod wants to change the argonians in the first place.


If I were you, I wouldn't do that. Reinstall Soya hairs, and use TES4Edit to check the plugin.

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Cool! I didn't know TES4EDIT could do that. I've only ever used TES4EDIT to find mod load order errors, because sometimes BOSS gets my loaded mods in the wrong place.


Okay, so I ran TES4EDIT and I have found an error in the Oblivion.ESM under the "hair" heading. Apparently it's not the Abriael Human race mod at all. It's the Goddess_Exnem.esp. I've attached a pic of the error in TES4EDIT. Could I get an explanation on how to fix this? I'm kind of a novice to the CS and TES4EDIT.

Edited by bleeargh
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I am using the goddess_exnem.esp. My character isn't carrying the armor in his inventory or anything, but i have all the different variants of the Exnems original armor on display on Reznod's Mannequins within Glenvar Keep. So I would prefer disabling the mod <U>not</U> be offered as a fix unless there is absolutely no other way.<BR> <BR>Edit: Disabling the mod <U>does</U> fix the problem, but I would rather not. Edited by bleeargh
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I went to the original mod creator on Tesnexus here and he has updated his esp file with a fix for this problem. So thats no worries I guess. However I would still be open to how a guy would have corrected this condition in case I run across anything like that in the future.



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