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Make potion level you up?


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How will I know which string value is the correct value for the skill? For example, I'm trying Light Armor, both with and without a space, as the "skill to increment" property but it isn't doing anything...it seems CK doesn't recognize it as the Light Armor skill for level up purposes, but I don't know what its name is if not that. "Destruction" isn't working either. "Pickpocket", however, does work.




I also don't know how to permanetely increase health/magicka/stamina. You said "don't check recover on a peak value modifier" but I don't know what that means.

Edited by aviform
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If you look at the other fortify health etc magic effects, you'll see they have the "recover" flag checked, on the left hand side just over the keywords box.


You can look up the internal names of skills on UESP or the creation kit wiki. They're the same ones you would use to increase your skills in the console.

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