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Tactical Marine Helmet under Marine Assault Helmet mod


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"Search button a bit sticky, was it, sir?" :tongue:


http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14340/? ?



As for the other comment, I spent two hours using multiple combinations of 'tactical', 'marine', 'helmet', 'under', and 'far'.


The best I got was this.


So please supply your search arguments.


Never mind, you got the link from one of the various list of mods you downloaded or are tracking. I did a search using just the authors name (Vashdakkari) and got no hits. This mod has been locked or marked private.

Edited by FriedGeoduck
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Never mind, you got the link from one of the various list of mods you downloaded or are tracking. I did a search using just the authors name (Vashdakkari) and got no hits. This mod has been locked or marked private.


Even if I was tracking it, I would not be seeing it if the author had set as hidden or private.

I can find it just fine even without being logged in.

Edited by trold
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'marine helmet' first result.


Didn't mean to sound like an asshat, it was just a slightly altered quote from a movie I had just watched.

What search engine are you using? I get this.


And I have no filters turned on.

Edited by FriedGeoduck
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If it's not some inclusion tags missing, like you said it wasn't, make sure you also check your Content Blocking preferences found here: http://www.nexusmods.com/games/users/tagpreferences/


There is no way to set a mod to private or something else to make it still accessible directly but not show up inside searches, other than Content Blocking preferences and Advanced Search options.

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If it's not some inclusion tags missing, like you said it wasn't, make sure you also check your Content Blocking preferences found here: http://www.nexusmods.com/games/users/tagpreferences/


There is no way to set a mod to private or something else to make it still accessible directly but not show up inside searches, other than Content Blocking preferences and Advanced Search options

Aha. Found that some content was indeed blocked in content blocking. Being a relative noob, I never knew those were there, so are there some defaults?

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