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Wonder, what is conciousness?


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First let me state a fact, nobody knows, and nobody can know with our current level of thinking, what consciousness is exactly. We can only speculate, think, and wonder, and hopefully one day, understand it.


So what is it exactly? Have you ever wondered that? Are you familiar with "you are what you eat?"


Our bodies, are ever-changing. We consume food and drink, that becomes part of us, and remove old parts as waste through breath, sweat, urine, feces, ect. It's like our bodies are vessels in constant change that our souls are stuck to.


Scientists claim they proved atoms exist and that is what we are made of. If we are made of atoms, tiny vibrating balls of energy, how can all of these separate, non-sentient particles come together and form fully conscious, sentient beings, and other organisms/cells?


Let the discussion begin :)

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Wow, that contained a lot of information around thoughts I've had myself (I've explored consciousness maybe a little more than I should have) . You just opened a whole can of awesome for me, but what are your thoughts? I'm going to check out the links in that page in a little bit

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I gave birth to 3 wonderful Children and have experienced life as a whole, Motherhood is hard, we learn by doing.

They learn by what we teach them and the loop continues through them. Life is so very short and not to take all of that in and realize that we all make our own world, path, mistakes, wonders, incredible things to further our expanse.


but what are your thoughts?

Keep the wheels turning and never stop.


Kitty Black.

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According to Einstein the only center (and therefore source) possible in the universe is within each observer in it. IMO it will take humanity a long time to evolve from a conceptual understanding of these theories, to a grasp of even their basic ramifications, and a willingness to take the responsibility that comes with this knowledge. Being the source of the entire universe necessarily entails being responsible for the entire universe.


But imo it's fascinating how this cosmology transforms everyone and everything into alternate expressions of yourself, in different aspect. Sometimes apparently opposite, as in one's enemies. IMO Jesus told people to love their enemies because he understood the reality of the universe: your enemies are simply yourself in negative or hostile aspect. Simply put, there is no such thing as something or someone other than yourself, and this is as true for you as for all other observation points in the universe (or "beings").


Another problem is that thinking in terms of four dimensions instead of three isn't easy, e.g. what's referred to as "matter" in the universe are temporary events in space-time. One of my favorite books as a teen was "Be Here Now", but the truth is that even the concepts of here and now are entirely delusional. Where exactly is here, and when exactly is now? As soon as you point to an exact spot, it's been whizzing through space at a million miles an hour, as our planet spins 1000 miles per hour. There IS no "here". The same is true for "now", the instant you begin saying the word, now is over.


For a kick, try comparing Einstein's relativity theories with the 11th Century Sanscript text called "Pratyabhijna Hridayam". It's the exact same cosmology explained only slightly differently. Unlike many Sanskrit works, this one is very short and to the point.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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I gave birth to 3 wonderful Children and have experienced life as a whole, Motherhood is hard, we learn by doing.

They learn by what we teach them and the loop continues through them. Life is so very short and not to take all of that in and realize that we all make our own world, path, mistakes, wonders, incredible things to further our expanse.


but what are your thoughts?

Keep the wheels turning and never stop.


Kitty Black.

Probably the best answer I'll get in this thread. There's so much wisdom in it I don't even know where to begin breaking it down for everyone else, but maybe I'll leave it open for interpretation ;)

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According to Einstein the only center (and therefore source) possible in the universe is within each observer in it. IMO it will take humanity a long time to evolve from a conceptual understanding of Einstein's theories, to an understanding of their ramifications, and a willingness to deal with the responsibility that comes with this knowledge. Being the source of the entire universe necessarily entails being responsible for the entire universe.


But imo it's fascinating how this cosmology transforms everyone and everything into alternate expressions of yourself, in different aspect. Sometimes apparently opposite, as in one's enemies. IMO Jesus told people to love their enemies because he understood the reality of the universe: your enemies are simply yourself in negative or hostile aspect. Simply put, there is no such thing as something or someone other than yourself, and this is as true for you as for all other observation points in the universe (or "beings").


Another problem is that thinking in terms of four dimensions instead of three isn't easy, e.g. what's referred to as "matter" in the universe are temporary events in space-time. One of my favorite books as a teen was "Be Here Now", but the truth is that even the concepts of here and now are entirely delusional. Where exactly is here, and when exactly is now? As soon as you point to an exact spot, it's been whizzing through space at a million miles an hour, as our planet spins 1000 miles per hour. There IS no "here". The same is true for "now", the instant you begin saying the word, now is over.


For a kick, try comparing Einstein's relativity theories with the 11th Century Sanscript text called "Pratyabhijna Hridayam". It's the exact same cosmology expressed slightly differently.

Are you as


as me right now? You just sent my mind on a forever journey friend.

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It's just my answer to the question. It works for most similar existential questions (What is the universe? What is God? Etc). God is your ability to activate your salivary glands by simply thinking of sucking on a lemon, or your sexual glands by simply looking at someone who's attractive etc. It's physical manifestation caused exclusively by thought.


Also here's a link I found to a literal translation of the above-mentioned Sanscrit work:




Apologies in advance if this qualifies as pushing religion, that is not intended. It's meant as my specific answer to the specific question.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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