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I wish i know sooner topic


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here is my few cents to I wish i know sooner, most of them are quite obious, but well you never know.



Get you'r shouts, ASAP.

get you'r ass to Whiterun, talk to the govener.

follow the quest line, blah blah dragon born this blah blah.

follow the quest line untill the gray beards, after that do what you like.


you can train aditional shouts, by pressing R, *when you have more dragon souls*





i kind of conflict here, is it worth spending all you'r feat points on it,i think not it's 10 points to learn all there is.

i say, learn to Glass smithing, or be crazy to Daedric, it will save you 2 points, and bypass Dwarf/Orcish crafting (i sugest you bypass Arcane Crafting as well.

the Artifects you find in the world, never get pass flawless, while you can craft Daedric *legendary*

Daedric Legendary 59 VS dawnbraker Flawless 45.


you can melt, Dwarven Crap.

Large Decorative Dwemer Stut.

Bent Dwemer Plate Metal

Large Dwemer plate Metal

Small Dwemer plate metal

Solid dwemer Metal *give 5 ingots* while rest give 3.


Glass, use Malachite+Moonstone *get selled a lot*

Daedric use Ebony + Daedric heart's, wich are both kind of rare.


Glass, is the most pratical Aim to get, at low level, it's easy to aquire the mats needed.

and save you the 2 extra feat points




this is mostly the most borring crap ever made into the gameing world.

i cheated this, i do not have the madness to enchant 300+ items to get to 100


is this worth takeing?, hell yea.

this is worth haveing, infact it's I must have.


oke, the deal.

get soul trap asap, you can buy it in whiterun, dragon reach.

cast it before you kill something, *i have to admite it's become borring after 100 times*

so i cheated my gems ID=0002E504 (also handy to charge you'r gear with) those are the best gems ingame.


Azura's star.

beats me, wonder if it even works, supoce to work like a unlimited soul holder., gaurds makes a funny statement about it, tho.





well at a certain point, you will be even undetatable even if you spit them in the face, so spending lot of feats on this is worthless.

get 2/5 stealth+Muffled Movement sud be enough, even to roll with a tank inside the dungoen, without they ever knowing where you was.

wanna go wild, feat the 6xattack bonus.



this is my list of wish i know sooner.

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Wow you're spelling is really terrible. even for me, and i rush type and get tons of typo's lol


if you got nothing worth while to type, don't waste my time with spelling s***.

first i not native to english

second, i'am dyslexia

third, i god damn motherf*#@ing sick of repeatable bulls***.

have a nice day.

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I just love when peeps really think before posting issues, I'd say this is main reason I even read these posts, thank god sometimes pops up a decent post like this, with some real facts and well articulated well thought words from apparently poster, which you might think; do this for life.
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Wow you're spelling is really terrible. even for me, and i rush type and get tons of typo's lol


if you got nothing worth while to type, don't waste my time with spelling s***.

first i not native to english

second, i'am dyslexia

third, i god damn motherf*#@ing sick of repeatable bulls***.

have a nice day.


Gee wiz man, calm down!

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