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I have played vaultec dlc!


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So for those wondering about the beggining part of the DLC i am sure you have watched the livestream of bethesda. there is actually another unique settler which comes in at the start along with 2 others. i will upload a video of this later on and the unique settler is called Clem. he will be the one you need to put the vaultec suit on and then get an achievment. You can also end the quests if you want.

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They should auto-equip once you give it to them.


If not highlight the one in their inventory and press T like you would for their vaultsuit, that might do it.


Not auto equipping and Highlighting them does nothing as the pipboy is in the Misc section not apparel


EDIT: on first encounter you must give them the pipboy first then vaultsuit and select to dress them in the vaultsuit, if you don't give them the pipboy first - it never works after that... way to go bethesda

Edited by MykalBuckle
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While the player may be able to build a wonderful Vault, the path-finding for the AI is as s*** as ever and, unless great pains are taken, will likely be unable to reach needed points for the new quests to progress. As a PC player, I only needed to click on the NPC through console to grab the code and then input "moveto player" when I was near the needed objective. For console players, however, this fault would be a downright negation of the DLC's value.


I actually reloaded a prior save after I had completed the DLC the first time and built the Vault a second time using everything I learned. What I also found out was that all that talk about having the needed resources at the job site was bull, because I went through about 5k units of steel without coming close to replenishing that number in the surrounding workshops. Rubber is also an important building component and I went through most of my stockpile of the stuff.

Edited by CyrusAmell
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I could not play this game without the dev console option no way am I gonna replay 20 something hours to get back to clarke just so he will stop pacing back and forth in the airplane wreckage at the airport and go in the dam door already or even worse save every few seconds all the way through the game just to avoid bugs. Can you imagine how annoying it must be to play this game on console?

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  • 2 weeks later...

While the player may be able to build a wonderful Vault, the path-finding for the AI is as s*** as ever and, unless great pains are taken, will likely be unable to reach needed points for the new quests to progress. As a PC player, I only needed to click on the NPC through console to grab the code and then input "moveto player" when I was near the needed objective. For console players, however, this fault would be a downright negation of the DLC's value.




When I hit this bug, I placed a chair near where the NPC needs to be and waited an hour. At the end of the hour, there he was and I put him onto the cycle. Wait 1 more hour and there he is at the soda fountain. Wait an hour and she is there enjoying a cool beverage. Wait an hour and he is testing the one armed bandit. Wait an hour and she is in the chair. Wait an hour and he is performing the exam. Wait an hour and the overseer shows up the end this charade.


Cluncky and annoying, but it just might work for consoles too.


Not satisfied with this, I tried again. IF the overseers desk is built on the ground floor AND is in extremely close proximity to where the experiments are to be performed, everything works just fine.

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