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Is this screen tearing, lag, studdering, something else?


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It's nothing compared to this....








So, none of the above - technically I don't have a clue what it is but I'd suggest removing mods that effect the area your in might well fix it.

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May have gotten it fixed. (fingers crossed)

A combination of Fallout4 HD 1.0 (HalkHogan...) with True Storms 1.4 (fading...) and Darker Nights 1.11 (unforbid...)

Tried several different combos and ended up taking off Fallout4 HD totally. Kept the other two. This also increased my FPS by 30.

Only been back at it for a short time but no lag and FPS of 47 average downtown.

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Ah that's interesting - I had the issues I mentioned so I took out Faction AIO which solved it - never thought to look at the HD reworked cause I've still got occasional weird issues - nothing so severe - may try removing the HD mod and see if things change.....


Thanks for that.




Good luck with your fix!

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Thanks for the responses. No longer have the problem after the fix above.

I still don't know that that type of error is called on the boards. Rather new at the terms.

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I have the same issue and couldn't find any info on Google, mainly cause I don't know what to call that; Texture freeze/tear/rip? lol


Mine only does it in Vault 88 and only when looking in a certain direction, and always in the same direction no matter what part of the vault I'm in. It started a couple days ago and I haven't added any new mods.

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I know for a fact, my problems were caused by the Faction Housing Overhaul AIO mod & HD reworked. This is NOT a criticism of either mod - but I can't get em to play together so both got left out in my most recent restart - I'm being very careful now regarding mods changing the same areas - This one really caught me out because in the past I've never seen texture mods clash anything like that - there was always a clear winner where I'd missed something so any in game symptoms tended to be crude and obvious - like a bit off wall sticking out into a hall way or something similar - not the crazy trip I was getting.


I simply don't know enough to be certain - but with recent installs of the 4k Textures by Valius I downloaded his loose files, created ba2 files and then used the fallout ini to call up the archives to see if this helps avoid similar issues in future rather than the dummy esp's or loose file option.


as for terminology - I reckon we can name it ourselves - I'd vote for "Texture Tripping". ;)

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I don't use Faction Housing AIO or HD reworked, I tried uninstalling the couple texture mods I use and that didn't help either. I'm at a loss, I hope someone figures this out cause Vault 88 dang near gives me a migraine with this happening constantly.

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