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Just won my hardest fight ever


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I got sent to Stony Creek cave as part of a minor bard's college quest. the thing i was sent to get is in a small room, at the end of a narrow corridor. But there was someone waiting in that room.


One lowly dunmer mage. wearing nothing but rags. "Bandit Marauder". However this one mage was a fireball-spamming artillery cannon. I've played a mage and somehow he was throwing them far faster than i was ever able to, even two-handed. I swear he could consistently put out three fireballs per second. he didn't even need to hot me because the corridor, being so small and uneven, made hitting the walls easy and spamming me with splash damage.


i'm a lv31 two-handed warrior, and i died about 8 times trying to kill this guy. For some reason, despite the complete lack of armor, he was very hard to kill. my usual tactic of running in and one-hitting people didn't work. he would have taken about 5 hits. I tried standing back and shooting him with arrows, but it wasn't worth the time. I tried running in and shouting him over with force, and killing him while he lay on the ground. but he lived more than long enough to get back up and *ban me* away anyway.


Eventually i won using the Slow Time shout. apparently it slows others more than yourself, and i managed to get up the hallway before he could launch a single shot. Then i got a lucky decapitation to finish ^.^


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holy fuking s***.. are you kidding me bethesda ?

what drunk retarded dev designed this level

this fight is way harder than the fuking endgame battle..


what the f***!?

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I had to laugh as I read the replies to OPs post. Play Skyrim long enough, with enough characters, and you'll soon learn that it doesn't matter how bad you are (as long as you aren't modding yourself to be godlike) you're going to meet someone badder. More importantly, you won't know it until it's too late. That makes the game fun and challenging, as far as I'm concerned. I try to play a relatively balanced archer/destruction mage with a specialty in stealth. This gives me a variety of ranged attacks in case I'm not survivable toe-to-toe with a given opponent, and can't get in close enough to backstab for a one-shot kill. I make extensive use of self-crafted poisons. Seriously. Make all the slow and paralysis poisons you can. And invisibility potions, too. I stick with leather armor until I can make dragonscale armor, and I keep upgrading it whenever I can (and I take the relevant perks to buff my light armor skills even more). Oh. My preferred HTH weapon? My archer-mage kitty (yes, I play a Khajiit) uses a greatsword. So far it seems to be a pretty good combination for me.


Protip: PC users can go to the console, click on an NPC (or any actor), and type "getlevel", just to give them an idea, ahead of time, just how tough their opponent-to-be is. Even so, that's not completely indicative of how much trouble they'll give you, especially if you have mods installed. I'm using "Destruction Reworked" and consistently get my butt kicked by NPCs under my level who turn out to be destruction mages that look like perfectly ordinary bandits. Great fun, that.

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Morokei annihilated my 100HP low lvl unarmored mage with one or two lightening bolts while turning my flame atronach against me several times. I only beat the freak after the tenth time with dual cast firebolts+impact. Even then, I only survived because he glitched out and froze. Otherwise, he would have simply one shot me with his lightening after I ran out of magicka.
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Hahahah nice ! i thought a was a noob having trouble with my huge mace , bashing enemies , almost those that are using frost xD i enjoyed knowing today that i m not alone having trouble with those one ;) thanks for that :D and honestly i sometime feel like a worm trying to hide somewhere when i meet a dragon *help help gimme a carton box i need to hide * i wish i could disguise into a rock or a tree so far i feel just a bit out of range when its flying around and burning the place into charcoal field
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Warkirby, why not use unrelenting force or some other shout with stunning ability? If he was spamming fireballs he probably wasn't warding himself. I've had fights like these as well and you can't use conventional tactics against unconventional targets. Edited by kradus
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Way back on one of my old characters I was just running around in the mountains and ran into a couple vampires which I easily took care of, only to fall off the mountain and die. So I reload a save from right before I met the vampires and they just wreck me this time. I reload probably 10 times and cannot get past them again. Tried sneaking and picking them off with the bow, tried using pretty much every shout I had, using any resistance / buff spell / potion I had. I never killed them again.


I just ended up sneaking away from them in fear. I have no idea how I killed them so easily the first time. This one still gets to me, I killed them once and yet could not do it a second time.

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My stealth archer put all of his perks into stealth and archery and thus can, at level 54, easily kill Dragon Priests and draughr deathlords but is severely challenged by certain Breton and mage assassins he meets on the road. The Bretons are levelled, armored, super agile, attack with ranged fire spells and use cover and environment to hide. I simply cannot hit them with the bow. Also a big problem are warlocks whose ice spikes make me move slowly which means I can't even attack with my feeble melee skills. The Bretons are better at melee than me so I don't want to get close to them. If I run away they all chase after me. Fortunately they appear only once every two or three days. I have to believe that Bethesda gives us stealth archers many advantages in the game but they also put in some opponents specifically designed to target our weaknesses, meaning our weak melee skills. The solution is to always travel with a tough follower who takes the heat and distracts them so I can run around scared and snipe from a distance. I'm a badass in a dungeon but on the road in an ambush I'm in a panic.
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There are a ton of things Bethesda could have done better in Skyrim. But encounters like the ones discussed here are not one of them. The ability to encounter - by surprise - boss or assassin who can just...wreck you...at any point is a nice change of pace.


Mine, was Ansilvund. I don't even know what I fought in that place. I had a level 40 warrior, decked out in the Dragon Scale armor, Legendary Waraxe with the bleeding perks, et al. He was...Boss...for lack of a better term.


The job was innocuous. go in, recover a lost sword. Get back. No big deal. Been there, done that.


Then something rose up out of that coffin and sailed in my direction. It let go a deep-voiced Shout...not some scared, high pitched-scream, but a deep-throated call that shook the room. My world spun; a second later I picked myself up off the floor, unglued my back from a wall - and walked into a wall of flame I'd not seen since the battle with Alduin.


I didn't make it back out of that ruin with the sword. Never tried it again, either. Want to go another round with Skyrim, another character with a modded playthrough. To make things, oddly enough, even more difficult.


But these sorts of encounters...Bethesda really nailed them. I will give them that.

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