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Beth messed up our elves!


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Why? I agreed with the notion that there is a limit in the choices for customization. i still dissagree with the idea that just because the moding community puts something in, however, it means Bethesda should do the same. What reason do they have to include Drow? Or Farie? Or Dog People?


There are plenty of mods out there for them, doesn't mean they have any place in the canon game.

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I didn't say to put in fey or dog-people, but game developers that don't listen to their base are doomed to eventually fail. Tons of folks want customization and all they did was take that away.


That is a mistake. No one is trashing Bethesda here...I love these games. But it would have been a much better move to give more choice and ways to customize..not less.

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I thought pointless debates only existed in "Mod author's" :rolleyes:


Here we have a Dark Elf from Morrowind.

Notice how he doesn't look like a doll, nor does he look like he has 1 ton of make up on. He looks how Dark Elves were MEANT to be looked by the lore.

Here we have a Dark Elf from Oblivion :dry:


Note how this looks almost nothing like Morrowind, and looks more like human than an elf. Of course being a dark elf, it shows the darker skin and red eyes as their significants BUT it is not the case with other elves that looked like humans. I mean I couldn't tell the difference in Oblivion if the person was Imperial or an elf. They didn't act differently, they didn't talk differently, and weren't treated differently.


Now we are going to Skyrim


Notice how the Dark Elf doesn't look like he has a ton of make up on, and guess what it resembles? Morrowind!

This game was SUPPOSED to be more dark, and characters were supposed to have more "dirt" on them, and not look all exactly the same.


If you want go ahead and install your sexy 5 tons of make up mods on, but if that was in the original I would not enjoy it. I am playing this game to have fun and explore, not to look at my character's face for half an hour each day.

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Wow talk about not reading prior post or missing the point.


Have fun children I have said all I can on this subject.

If you want elves to look like humans with pointy ears and flawless faces, feel free to mod it. Just don't ask Beth to do it. I know you are saying that there should be a way to make them look pretty but that's what mods are for. Beth had a more interactable char creation in Oblivion yet, everyone still looked exactly the same.

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I thought pointless debates only existed in "Mod author's" :rolleyes:


Here we have a Dark Elf from Morrowind.

Notice how he doesn't look like a doll, nor does he look like he has 1 ton of make up on. He looks how Dark Elves were MEANT to be looked by the lore.

Here we have a Dark Elf from Oblivion :dry:


Note how this looks almost nothing like Morrowind, and looks more like human than an elf. Of course being a dark elf, it shows the darker skin and red eyes as their significants BUT it is not the case with other elves that looked like humans. I mean I couldn't tell the difference in Oblivion if the person was Imperial or an elf. They didn't act differently, they didn't talk differently, and weren't treated differently.


Now we are going to Skyrim


Notice how the Dark Elf doesn't look like he has a ton of make up on, and guess what it resembles? Morrowind!

This game was SUPPOSED to be more dark, and characters were supposed to have more "dirt" on them, and not look all exactly the same.


If you want go ahead and install your sexy 5 tons of make up mods on, but if that was in the original I would not enjoy it. I am playing this game to have fun and explore, not to look at my character's face for half an hour each day.

There are no pointless debates other then those where people try to push their opinions upon others.


I would like to edit that face on your screenshot....smooth it a bit make it younger what are my options?

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There are no pointless debates other then those where people try to push their opinions upon others.


I would like to edit that face on your screenshot....smooth it a bit make it younger what are my options?

Your options are mods, since the general public does not care much for how their characters look. And if you really wanted to you could even in vanilla.

Edited by antonkr
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I would love to see the place you have gotten that info from...about the general pubic not caring what their character's look like.

If you have a link please provide it.

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Your options are mods, since the general public does not care much for how their characters look. And if you really wanted to you could even in vanilla.

No im asking what are the options the original creators gave me...lets let the mod excuse out....becouse CK isnt out yet.

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Claiming that Bethesda was wrong to impose their view on what Mer should look like is falacious in the extreme, and as much as i hate to make personal attacks, an arrogant perspective. If i were to write a story, and create a universe which included elves, but those Elves were industrial, evil, and prone to clockwork augmentations, i am fully within my rights as an author to impose that image within the universe i created. In a similar vien, Bethesda is fully within their rights to impose the TES image of Mer within the TES universe, and its much better that they try to remain consistant on what their Elves look like than to flipflop every game.


That said, there is always a degree of variation within a population, and there just isn't enough in the way of options to represent that. I think if the options alowed for, say, the creation of D&D elves, they would have taken it too far and broken the design of their elves. However, there is a happy medium involved, and i don't think they've reached that.


And here we have another one. I feel it is deceitful, hypocritical even on Bethesda's part, when one of the selling points is "be who you want, do what you want" for Bethesda to remove the options to do just that. That is not arrogant, but then of course you have the elves looking like you want. You have given reasons why you think the elves should look a certain way, I happen to disagree with those reasons, but agree that you have a right to express them. What you and the others who are throwing abusive terms about should not be doing is making personal attacks whilst so doing.


Nobody said a word about Bethesda should put in Faerie, Drow or Dog People, that was just plucked out of the air.


And PLEASE change this record;-

"This isn't some manga-cutesy Japanese RPG, this is Skyrim, it's set in the toughest and roughest area around."

I have never played any of those types of games so I really wouldn't know. What I do know is that being in a rough and tough area does not mean that the people in it have to look old and wizened, unless they are old (and sometimes not even then).

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