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Beth messed up our elves!


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Bethesda DID get it wrong because by their crippled and dumbed down chargen they imposed THEIR idea of what the elves should look like without any possibility of changing that.

What is exactly wrong with BGS actually saying this is what OUR mer look like. :psyduck:


Saying they, the masters of the universe, got it wrong is seriously inflating the value of their opinion. If you think that, it's you who have it wrong in this case, not THEM. They don't look like what you want them too... That's not a problem with Skyrim or their aesthetic and choices, it's on you and your opinion of what you want. It's not a design flaw, a mistake, comical blunder. No, this is what Skyrim Mer look like because the art gods said so. end of.


Sure, you can not like them.. but your opinion of what elves are supposed to look like or not look like is irrelevant.


Someone is going to mod that every which way. Cake. Eat. STFU. :biggrin:


WOW, STFU, that's really constructive comment. Since you put it so nicely, then no, I won't. I and the others who do think the mer look hideous and don't fit in with our "aesthetic and choices" are as entitled to our opinions as those of you who think they look wonderful. Unfortunately, those who do think the changes in the mer are for the better are inclined, with one or two exceptions, to be abusive and dismissive in the way they express their opinions. Now here's the rub, those of us who dislike what the mer look like do not ask or expect everyone who does like them to make elves in their own games look the way we like them. All we are saying is that the current chargen prevents us from easily doing something about it, which is a step backwards from Oblivion. Yes the OB elves were fugly, but the sliders were far more advanced and enabled you to change that.


Bethesda have crippled the chargen, everyone knows that there are less sliders and that you have less freedom to make more individual faces. So in fact all the mer look cookie cutter samey.

Pavy puts it excellently;-


Your opinion is still your opinion. if you think elves are ugly in Sktrim that is fine, BGS is not wrong and ruined their elves. Get over it, Yes, they have every right to impose their elven aesthetics on you. You can have your cake, it's called mods, so no need to be so maniacal about it.

Edited by Ghogiel
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I would like to edit that face on your screenshot....smooth it a bit make it younger what are my options?


Umm... Use the complexion slider? My Dark Elf doesn't look particuarly old. In fact, he barely looks like an adult... Some of the options people are complaining about are already there...



I didn't say to put in fey or dog-people, but game developers that don't listen to their base are doomed to eventually fail. Tons of folks want customization and all they did was take that away.


As i said, i agree with the lack of choice thing, but the problem is some people are argueing for choice that makes no sense. A Mer should no more look like they did in Oblivion than there should be an Aircraft Carrier sitting in Solitude Harbour. The background is rather specific on the issue, and while there are a limited degree of customization options (this is an indisputable fact) what options there SHOULD be shoult not comprimise the nature of the race in question. The dog-people thing was a radical example, since the more subtle one about variations of archetypes and the internal canon seems to be lost on people.


Bethesda is not making games to cated to every whim of the modding community. If they did, we'd have Imperial Star Destroyers hovering over Vardenfel. They are making games based around a fictional world, with the intent of telling a story within the canon of that world. The ability to mod is purely for out pleasure, as it often takes them years to make these games, and it keeps up the longevity of the game well past the point where we've explored every cave. It is not, and should not, be a representation of what they should include as standard.

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Umm... Use the complexion slider? My Dark Elf doesn't look particuarly old. In fact, he barely looks like an adult... Some of the options people are complaining about are already there...


You said it yourself, dossent look particulary old, wich means he still looks old....i want a young looking character i dont mind the shape of the face... what other options i have?


Bethesda dossent need to have in mind catering to everyone...by making the face more editable makes it automatically cater to more people.

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what other options i have?


Pretty much as with all their games, if you want something specific to your own tastes your options are probably limited to mods.


It's not like in oblivion you could get young non wrinkly prune nik-nak headed monstrosities. And even if you could, different game. Saying they removed the chargen options from Skyrim is incorrect. The chargen likely never had those options to begin with.

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If you don't like the way the elves looks then play a human or other race.... then you can mod it, but I think it doesn't make sense to tell Bethesda to demand that you can use sliders to make all races essentially identical with different colored skin.... It is not said directly this is the desire, but it is clear that all the features that make elves stick out from humans are to be "softened" because soft is apparently the only way we can tell a male from a female. I have not once yet in the game been unable to tell a male elf from a female elf. There are clear differences especially in the eyes that make it very easy to tell.
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The Elves are perfectly fine. Elves aren't suppose to be some cute little fancy dancing partner. If you played morrowed, you know the terrain there is not that pleasant. So Dark Elves look appropriate for where they came from. Wood elves are still pretty if you take the time and pick the right preset to work with. The eyes are FREAKING awesome. The only thing I wish Beth did was bring out more hair styles. Instead of having 10 hair styles give us 20.
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We are saying that the detailed sliders to deal with width, depth and height of various facial features, that were present in Oblivion, are simply not available in Skyrim, which means we are railroaded into a set of presets that we don't care for. Speak for yourself, I did fine with the Oblivion face sliders and some manouvres in the CS (and modified head meshes) to create some different looking features. Not with Bethesda's default textures admittedly. And no, I won't get over it. I had a bad feeling as soon as the screens of the presets were released and when the game came out it was confirmed. I won't get over it, but I will do something about it. Bethesda should just not tout character customisation if they are moving away from it, which I suspect they are as they are gradually "consolizing". Hell, there isn't really any proper red/mahogany hair either, which of course is the best colour there is... :whistling:


Let's hope the CK (just like the FO3 and FONV) has more options than the chargen sliders.


Yes, I DID play Morrowind. No, I do not agree that it follows that if you live in a harsh climate you will look like a prune.


As for this;-


"If you don't like the way the elves looks then play a human or other race.... then you can mod it, but I think it doesn't make sense to tell Bethesda to demand that you can use sliders to make all races essentially identical with different colored skin.... It is not said directly this is the desire, but it is clear that all the features that make elves stick out from humans are to be "softened" because soft is apparently the only way we can tell a male from a female. I have not once yet in the game been unable to tell a male elf from a female elf. There are clear differences especially in the eyes that make it very easy to tell."


Nobody said that they wanted to make the elves and all races look exactly the same, so don't misrepresent what I am saying, since I have actually said that I can identify with the desire to make the elves different looking, and that I can go with a chiselled look, just not as extreme as what we have been given, not when we are without options to change. And that after playing with higher res eye mods I went with ones that made the elf eyes actively different from the human eyes, just more detailed than the vanilla textures. You have also missed Kendo 2's point that he made when he explained that those more attractive elven NPC's that look female are not in fact using the chargen presets, so that's why you see feminine elven NPC's.

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We are saying that the detailed sliders to deal with width, depth and height of various facial features, that were present in Oblivion, are simply not available in Skyrim, which means we are railroaded into a set of presets that we don't care for. Speak for yourself, I did fine with the Oblivion face sliders and some manouvres in the CS (and modified head meshes) to create some different looking features. Not with Bethesda's default textures admittedly. And no, I won't get over it. I had a bad feeling as soon as the screens of the presets were released and when the game came out it was confirmed. I won't get over it, but I will do something about it. Bethesda should just not tout character customisation if they are moving away from it, which I suspect they are as they are gradually "consolizing". Hell, there isn't really any proper red/mahogany hair either, which of course is the best colour there is... :whistling:


Let's hope the CK (just like the FO3 and FONV) has more options than the chargen sliders.


Yes, I DID play Morrowind. No, I do not agree that it follows that if you live in a harsh climate you will look like a prune.

This :)

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Ive never spent more than about six minutes designing a character face EVER, regardless of game. To be honest, I prefer the current system head and shoulders over the Oblivion system, because it is EASY to customise a face to whatever you want, within reasonable guidelines. I know many players want a vast amount of control over their face, but I dont, neither do a lot of players. What the game probably needed was an 'advanced controls' option, so that you can use a set of basic controls if you wish, or if you want to spend the time to tweak every last pixel then you can. Because I dont want the level of control others want, and I want to be able to tweak my character without having to adjust 47 different sliders. I rarely changed from the default in Oblivion, they were too unwieldy for me, and Ive never wanted to spend the time to learn how to properly operate the controls. However all four of my current Skyrim characters I tweaked extensively without a problem using the current set of controls, so I see no problem with the current set.


Regarding elves; elves are NOT humans with pointy ears. They are a distinctly different race from men. If you look at the Oblivion screenshots section of this site, you would think that elves are simply supermodel humans with pointy ears. The character generation presets look far more elven than many of the custom elves you see in the screenshots section, so I see no problem with them at all.

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