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Beth messed up our elves!


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Looks just like the elves from morrowind. I like the unique look of them.










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Saying, as the thread title indicates, that Bethesda "messed up" their own world is a ridiculous notion.


The Elves from the Elder Scrolls world aren't your typical fairy tale elves, and as said there is not much reason to say that Bethesda ruined their own IP. Just because they aren't all supermodels with pointy ears doesn't make them into something other than elves, just like the fact that the Dwemer lived underground and were very technically skilled doesn't mean that they're short, stocky dwarves.


I think what everyone is missing, though, is that Elves in TES aren't just pointy-eared people. They are a different species, and as such share only passing similarities with humans. I applaud the new elf look, it really shows that elves are a completely different being from humans. We can pass off Oblivion's more human-like elves as being mostly mixed-race, with a scant few being pure.

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Lets be honest, without mods 99% of any characters made in the past two elder scrolls games looked like butt anyway.


Just be glad that it's possible to make SOME good looking characters in Skyrim by default, and that mods will come soon.


I'm just happy with the direction they took on character creation anyway, no more infinitely tweaking sliders on the same nose model for instance.

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I think Bethesda intended entirely to create such weird and interesting looking races.

In Oblivion the elves faces were just slightly pointy humans, but now the elves have they're own bone structures nearly.

To me Skyrim elves look like the 3D incarnations of Morrowind's elves, and are all the better for it. I am not a Morrowind fanboy either...

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I started reading this, and feared i was in a very small minority, but i can't help but agree with most of the later posts. I have nothing but love for the new look of the Mer. They are distinct, but maintain a degree of elegance to them, witht he sharp features and the haunghting eyes. I particularly like the touch of the vertically drawn brows (They are not klingon brow ridges, i have no clue how people can draw that connection) as it changes the flow of the face to be more vertical, causing a very different appearance than you get on the horisonal human faces.


They also match up witht he artwork that has always been part of the Elder Scrolls. I think Oblivion dropped the ball when it comes to Elves because they used the same skeletal structures for everyone but the Beast Races, hausing too much homogeny. Unfortunately, a lot of players i talk to never played Morrowind, and thus i find a good number of people think that Oblivion represented what Elves looked like in TES. They were never pretty-folk, and i apreciate the return to their alien roots.

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I actually like the dark elves. The Altmer are so-so, but the Bosmer and Dunmer I believe have undergone positive changes. The alien look gives them a cool, unique style when compared to a lot of fantasy elves. I understand how people could dislike them, but I won't personally be downloading any elf appearance mods.
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