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Beth messed up our elves!


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I don't get why everyone's saying they look like Klingons, either. Sorry but I don't see the resemblance. I'm starting to think those that say it never seen pictures of them from Star Trek. They do look like Romulans, though. :P


Anyway, I'm glad to find out I'm not the only one in the Skyrim-elves-don't-look-too-bad camp. In Oblivion they just looked like humans with pointy ears and narrow heads. Now they actually look distinct from humans, and I'm glad Bethesda decided to head in that direction. IMHO, Bethesda didn't mess up anything, in regards to overall character appearances at least. It's sure as heck a lot more interesting now that Bethesda decided to diversify the races more than they did in Oblivion.

Edited by QueenOfThieves
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I like the elves as they are, too. D:


's a nice change from the norm of elves always being 'prettier' pointy-eared humans.


And yeah, they do look similar to the Morrowind designs.


At first I was wondering what everyone is talking about. I didn't play Oblivion much. :o


Though yeah, the bags below the eyes seem a bit over-exaggerated. Hm.

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Don't worry, there will be plenty of mods out, soon enough, to fix it.


"Fix" implies something is broken.


I think by Fix he means as in "The vet fixed my cat", so the world can then be populated by super model elves for those who don't like Elves looking like their a different species.

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So I'm one of the few that actually still loves my beloved high elves?


Can't wait till TES Summerset isles




That said, I've found that under the simple search word "elves" lays a fairly good amount of modifications to make the mer less... alien. They're far from perfect, but are a great start until more refined works come to surface. I'm also working some texture tweaks to find my ideal balance between the vanilla looks and human. Might publish the results once they're satisfactory enough.


Here's a bosmer I created just now. Notice how he still retains that exotic look, but feels more natural to the eye.



Edited by necKros
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I believe Bethesda was going for more diversity between the races to give them unique looks due to their unique places that they came from; instead of having all the characters look like humans with either pointy ears, or different colored skin. I did like the way they looked in oblivion, but I understand what Bethesda is trying to do. Just wait until the cs comes out and I'm sure it will be one of the first mods to hit the servers. Edited by sixcross
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