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Lets talk about sex....in Skyrim


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  On 1/23/2012 at 9:47 PM, RbtRvltin said:

Not to be a nympho here, but he's right, Where's all the whores? Backstab HD for android had whores. Why not skyrim? Nobody knows. I've been waiting for someone to bring up the incongruity, but I wasn't gonna post a request for it xD


Nord culture? Does anyone know enough lore to confirm whether prostitutes in Skyrim would actually fit, or if you'd only find them in the Gray Quarter?

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From my few minutes of Google research, the Ancient Egyptians had electricity, the Ancient Romans had.. nevermind.


Also, the ancient Scandinavians had male and female prostitutes. Also, while Skyrim has some striking parallels to our world and history, it isn't. the only reason it does is because everyone who wrote it originates from the same world and history we all do. To create a game that had an objective view of another world, we'd need an alien. And I only know a few people who keep them as pets.(Little joke there.)


Just saying, I think it would be interesting. And they could have a 50/50 chance of being murderers/bandits. who would attempt to shank you. :thumbsup:

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  On 1/23/2012 at 10:13 PM, zora_db said:
  On 1/23/2012 at 9:47 PM, RbtRvltin said:

Not to be a nympho here, but he's right, Where's all the whores? Backstab HD for android had whores. Why not skyrim? Nobody knows. I've been waiting for someone to bring up the incongruity, but I wasn't gonna post a request for it xD


Nord culture? Does anyone know enough lore to confirm whether prostitutes in Skyrim would actually fit, or if you'd only find them in the Gray Quarter?


There are references to both yes and no. There is a book, "A Gentlemans Guide to Whiterun" That has indirect undertones of prostitution, and then there is the whole premise of marriage in Skyrim and doing things quick and simple because of how short and hard life is in Skyrim. With an entire culture considering the latter, prostitution would be pretty low on the priority list. The closest you will truly get to prostitution in Skyrim is a devout Dibella nympho (you know of whom I speak) who doesn't charge for her service (to only the working men, which sucks really, she's rather attractive!).

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There should be two endings for that quest you can do for that certain someone's wretched niece, and the second one you could visit that certain someone for a overpowered version of Lover's comfort?


Anyways, What about Solitude? Everyone there is rich and mostly unhappy. :P

Edited by RbtRvltin
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Very well written, OP. That's an uncommon virtue, especially regarding sex.


As for my view, I think it will be inevitable, just as all the varieties of nude mods already showing up. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, in fact, I think it's those mods that can help spur a good mod author to make something unique. That's the kind of mod I would download, one that uses the best resources in combination with a deep and interesting story. Whether this is a story about a passionate romance or a brothel, well, that's the modder's choice.


The first example that came to mind when talking about a believable and fluid companion isn't really a romance mod, but Ruined Tail's Tale. That was one of the first mods I ever downloaded, and I still think it was one of the best. You met out of necessity, gradually learned more about Ruin, experienced his fears and aspirations, then decided how to guide him until his inevitable conclusion. It was quick but thoroughly satisfying, the exact kind of relationship I think could be built into most of the NPC followers in Skyrim (and perhaps added characters as well). With the kind of specific and personal attention given to Ruin, it would probably be best to make each companion/romance a separate mod.


Just some thoughts, I'm excited to see where Skyrim goes in this particular direction.

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  • 2 weeks later...

First, kudos for the excellent OP.


Second, I agree with most of the above. If and when this is done, I would use this for emersion first and estatics second. But I'm a endorser only. Can't help with this at the moment. Sorry.

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It took me a while to come up with a good thought on the subject when I first read this on the day the CK came out.


The thing is everyone who replied gave good insight and fairly well thought out replies, except a few but that is to be expected.


The reality is that a game as immersive and large as Skyrim does deserve a higher quality mod than what sexlivion and almost all of the others allowed for, but the problem is and has always been the fact of individual tastes. Some will simply look at the titles of this post and simply say "a contextual porn mod" and go on to whine about how there aren't enough mods about their favorite anime, or why aren't there any good smg's in Skyrim. Others like the individual poster's will have a widely varying ideas on what an acceptable/tasteful/contextual sex mod should be. Being the person I am and having the multiple personalities that I do I can say that I like the idea of a contextual sex mod in Skyrim, but what does that MEAN.


Well when you think about it sexual relations in real life can be done, and only be done in one of four ways. Before all of you start ranting and raving about postitions, and emotions, and what constitutes sex what doesn't let me explain what I mean. Positions have nothing to do with how you have sex but emotion does. The first way to "Do it" is sweet, sensual, romantic love making. The second is way is having mechanical and robotic sex. The third is the passionate, lustful animalistic f*ckin. The fourth I will discuss later.


Now those three ways of intercoarse are not mutually exclusive and in fact during one encounter you could go through all of them individually, you can even go through any two at the same time and really there is no wrong way. But in a game you can't really express that in any meaningful, especially with any of the current companions/marriage prospects in Skyrim, they just really aren't fleshed out enough to do anything other than mechanical baby-making, not that prostitution, or easy tail should be unavailable or that they would be averse to making-love, or f*ckin your brains out, or just letting you in long enough to releive the tension then straight back to business. If you do it too graphically, you demean the act to little mire than pornography, too much innuendo on the other hand kind of makes me think that it's all tease and no action. You should get something like you get in the movies where it is artistic, driving home the point that this is love, or lust, or a business transaction, and should be represented as such, a spouse or follower would and should have a deeper connection to you and thus allow for a more meaningful and personal encounter than, "I need you to do something for me...", some groupie wench you pick up in a tavern on the other hand wouldn't be much more that a fun diversion and thus it wouldn't make sense to have a whole quest just to get into her panties, and a hooker whether male or female is not going to make love to you, they are just going to do their job then get out after collecting their pay. I can't really think that it would be a simple matter to make a mod like this but the reality is we probably won't get anything other that a series of screw animations for quite a while. :wallbash: This also brings up the question of what constitutes a sexual act, just because someone wants a toilet mod doesn't mean they particularly want to be able to pan around to watch someone take a dump, but a certain percentage WILL want to do just that, and that brings up B&D, S&M, scat, beastiality, fetishes of all kinds, I am more than sure that crap will crop up too and while I don't like any of that stuff, I just won't down load any of it rather than gripe about how someone can enjoy watching someone else getting whipped.


And another thing is that BOTH genders should be represented not just a male dominated perspective. Women have sexual desires and and wants to and many aren't all that interested in a commited relationship in order to get laid, and like everything else women are widely varied on this too. Some will want to see romance blossom and the act itself be more about seduction and innuendo rather than graphical thrusting motions, and other women will want the graphical thrusting, because they like the thought of a tall, handsome, muscular man with enormous genitals thrusting into a girl, just like the men will want to see a beautiful naked goddess with giant breast bouncing on a pole. And some people of both genders will want to see two dudes getting it on, or two chicks going at it, that is also still fine. But how do you put it into context. The answer is of coarse that you would have to practically rewrite most if not all of the current characters in Skyrim in order to have anything other than a "Have Sex" spell or even worse, completley create new characters with backstories, and plots of their own are available for romance, random NPC's in taverns or on the streets who are little more than star struck groupies/fans who are willing to do a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g for you, and good old prostitutes.


Finally as I said I will niow come to the fourth kind of sexual action, even though it really has less to do with sex and more to do with control/domination, and that is of coarse rape. It was said earlier in this discuassion that rape was taboo on this site but that is not what I am discussing here, I am discussing contextual sex and this does apply, after all Skyrim is a war torn country with all sorts of illicit and illegal activity going on, drugs, murder, assasination, political corruption and intrigue, kidnapping, and a very limited number of guards to maintain the little semblance of order there is. The game even gives you a REALLY good backstory involving rape when you talk to Sapphire once you join the Guild, making her one of the few characters that actually felt truly fleshed out in the game (but that is a different gripe), the fact of the matter is that tis is also a viable RP option for contextual sex as loathe as I am to admit it. That is actually how a great many Viking marriages started, not really sure on the numbers, probably on the low end of lasting relations but it did happen, in Sparta, when a man came of age he could keep what he could take, wich in sparta was strangely sexist of them since they actually did train spartan women how to fight and considered women to be equals in everything but heavy lifting, the greek pantheon certainly had no problem with gods raping mortals. In game contextn it would be incredibly touchy to do I would recomend against it but the thing is BOTH genders are capable of rape contrary to what some of the previous posters think, in fact it would be EASIER for women to rape men in Skyrim and I don't mean by carrying around a strapon, it would be easy for a rogue/assasin to to paralyze and incapacitate a man then manually stimulate him to readyness for the act, a mage would simply cast a handful of spells the mount up, a warrior would just beat them into submission, then bully them into the act, but I think it would actually be more interesting to try and stop something like that, say the Dragonborn gets wind a fort or hideout that is "supplying" a local brothel or slave den, and when the DB arrives they find out it is much worse than he/she first thought, again this is actually a context for sex even if this sex act is one of the vile things one human can do to another. I would at least be a better reason to respond to the kidnapped girl who says she escaped mistwatch, (and somehow got half-way across the map without finding a single town, even ignoring Whiterun despite the fact that it is the most visible city in Skyrim, but I digress)


As for content that will be up to the individual modders out there, but I think that that a mod of a sexually oriented nature would be nice if tastefully done in the right context rather than the "So do you fancy me?" of vanilla Skyrim, and would be far better than the inevitable "You wanns screw me? ....YES, sitick it in my deserving little hole!!!" mod that will come out. I want something where my spouse, whether it's Camilla, Aela, Farkas, Vilkas, Ysolda, or any of the others does more than make me a sandwich and lets me take their hard earned money. A peck on the cheek, a grope of the bum, a cuddle in the chair, a nice stripshow, a nice cuddle in bed (not sexual), a good romp in the sack (completely sexual), or hell just a good kiss with tongue would be nice. For the characters that have no intereast in getting hitched, why aren't there groupies galore for the first man to slay a dragon in over a thousand years (or however long it was) and wmoen should have it even easier for casual sex, because men are dumb. And WHERE ARE THE HOOKERS, you would think that of all places Riften would be a haven for the worlds oldest profession, hell you would think that every pro would be a part of the Guild.


Well that's my two bits on the subject. Sorry about the spelling/gramatical errors, and the rambly parts.

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