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Crafting is absurd


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I hate crafting, my ideal form of crafting is opening up the .DDS files in photoshop and retexturing the weapons and armor to my character concept that I'm developing. The same goes for the stats on the gear I'm using with the Constrution Set.


I played WoW and crafting gear to get my toon ready for Raiding across 8 toons so that I could have the perfect raiding toon was a chore I for one am glad to do without. If anything to balance crafting I would make it so that each item you make awards a skill point. Seriously I am done with finding rare titansteel ore veins, done with resource theft, done with loot council, done with grinding top tier content for a random drop on a loot table only to have the Guildmaster award it to his buddy or girlfriend. Also I'm done with wasted days playing the WoW Auction House across both sides Alliance and Horde to get the gold together to get all the toys for my toons.


For crafting I reccamend logging into the Nexus scrolling through the many wonderful mods, picking the one that suits you best download and endorse if you like it. Leaving a nice comment for the modders work. For specific desires there are nifty tuts that explain how to use the free programs to craft your own gear and the best part is you can upload it to the nexus and people can make copies for their personel use...Sometimes they give you Kudos for props which doesn't cost them money or time to do too which is really nice.


So I strongly suggest against Nerfing crafting...I dont think too many people really want to craft grind in a single player game the rewards of which are hardly comparable to an MMORPG.


I hope my comment doesnt make anyone mad thats just my 2 cents on crafting in this game.


I really like the idea of better quest rewards that's a great idea. Plus better enchants that are missing in this rendition of the game. Would be really nice to see some enchants that haven't been done before in a video game as well.

Edited by gamefever
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Yeah I guess you can look at this as a joke on mmorpg players. Getting them to spend hours grinding to accomplish an easy mode they could get in a second by turning down the difficulty slider.


That's kinda cruel tho. I don't think bethesda could be that mean; imo it's just an oversight, none of the play testers were that ocd.

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Crafting is fine.... that being said if you exploit enchanting with alchemy by getting 100 in both then making an inc enchanting potion then enchant a set of plus alchemy and repeat till your gear is ungodly well ya that's broken. an easy fix for this would be to remove the inc enchant effect from alchemy and voila the problem is fixed. the gear you can craft with enchanting will still be powerful( 2 effects on each item with about the same str as effects found out in the wild) artifacts could really use a little buff tho atm they are weaker than a deadric counterpart. so you could still craft the most powerful items in the game but they wouldn't be doing 5000 damage per hit. so the people whom enjoy crafting don't get shafted but its also not completely broken either.
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My problem with the crafting system as it stands is that it doesn't take exploiting alchemy and enchanting to get insane items.


One thing I didn't mention in my other post would be limiting fortify enchants. Currently you can enchant rings, necklaces, gloves, and boots with enchants like Fortify One-handed or Fortify Two-handed which when combined with the smithing improvements make for insane weapons. Changing these fortify buffs to only use the highest one rather than stacking with each other would help bring down the power of enchanting.


Currently I'm playing through on Master with no smithing/enchanting/alchemy and it's going well, and finding random enchanted items is rewarding now.

Edited by DM Veil
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Total edit, was much too long


In my experience, crafting was fun. It ask me time and effort to collect enough materials, souls, plants, etc to get ton max enchant and forge. Alchemy has never been really fun to me, so i juste get to 50.


Î really enjoyed crafting my gears, enchanting them, making new better one with once i gain some enchanting/smithing level. Be able to use 3 skills together is nice, i feel rewarded for all the time i've spend on the crafting skills. Removing the +alchemy and +smithig enchantement or the +enchant +smithing potion wouldn't be a great idea to me as it was something positive for me in the early game.


But i totaly agree: that shouldn't be like that and the problem to me is the % formula. I didn't feel overpowered from lvl 1 to 20/25. Then, that became totaly wrong: Remove the % and make them "fixed" value depending on the level, and that would become much better. My first elven bow, before high skill, upgraded with some low +smithing item and weak potion, were correct: damage going from 51 to 63 as exemple. But with higher archery/enchanting skills the % begins to be crappy.


Make it "fixed" value and that would be better i think

Edited by filoumz
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