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Foundations topped by grass, crop furrows and plain dirt


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A lot of times I find myself using foundation blocks to level out settlements. It would be nice if we had some designed for this purpose being topped by grass, crop furrows or basic dirt. If I have a hilly settlement and I want a nice level farm area or lawn havng custom built foundations that could be planted on would be nice. I think it would be easier and less buggy then sticking dirt plots over top of foundations when I do that my settlers don't like watking onto the dirt to do their farming they just stand around the edge.


I would also find it very useful to have half and quarter height basic concrete foundations.

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  • 6 months later...

Instead of making another topic, I'll just bump this one.


Had this same idea. A set of 3 foundation blocks using concrete and dirt texture on the top. Crop Furrow Corner (2 layers), Furrow (2 layers), Flat Ground.



Also, although is not related, I wish I could snap prehaps on the top of foundations, instead of just the corners.

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