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Question about thief/mage


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I'm a bit confused as I recently read someone indicating that I can pay for training of spells at Winterhold College and then pickpocket the money back. I selected mage at the stones at the beginning at the game. Is that why I don't see an option to pickpocket my money back? I am unclear about this. Can a mage cast spells? I always thought that a thief was kind of like a rogue and followed either the sniper or backstabber route. I feel like I have made so many mistakes or missed opportunities that I could have taken advantage of so I think I will start over and do it right. I just want to understand how a mage can pickpocket if such a thing is possible.
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You'll have to sneak behind an NPC and while in sneak mode, there should be an option to pickpocket(red color) the NPC. If you have the PC version, use the default E key to do this. Pickpocket is a skill with it's own pek tree, you can either train it(pay other NPCs) or raise it by pickpocketing NPCs and thus raise your skill gradually. As you get better at it, your chance to successfully pickpocket someone will increase, if you fail, prepare for a fight or pay your bounty. Edited by Pushkatu
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I'm a bit confused as I recently read someone indicating that I can pay for training of spells at Winterhold College and then pickpocket the money back. I selected mage at the stones at the beginning at the game. Is that why I don't see an option to pickpocket my money back? I am unclear about this. Can a mage cast spells? I always thought that a thief was kind of like a rogue and followed either the sniper or backstabber route. I feel like I have made so many mistakes or missed opportunities that I could have taken advantage of so I think I will start over and do it right. I just want to understand how a mage can pickpocket if such a thing is possible.


You should be able to pickpocket anyone no matter what you are...

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Skyrim does not have classes. What you chose at the Standing Stones was not your "class" and doesn't in any way limit you in what you can do in the world. It was simply a bonus to mage-related skill-leveleing, and you are free to go back and choose the Thief stone if you so choose. There are many other stones as well, and your choice is never permanent.


Do whatever you want. You pickpocket by activating a character (E button by default) while in sneak mode.

Edited by Adrius2
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