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obmm problem "access to path p2 is denied"


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nope, even doing that i can't exit without that dam message :'(


any other ideas?


edit: i just uninstalled it and tryed to reinstall it to see if that'd help.... and now it tells me it must be installed to "oblivions installtion directory" and i have no idea what or where that is D':


edit2: why can't this be more like fomm for fallout?!

Edited by horouboi
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Here's a link to Bben46's Oblivion reinstall procedure. Don't neglect the part about cleaning your registry ... old registry entries will come back to haunt you if you uninstall/re-install without removing the old entries.
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now it tells me it must be installed to "oblivions installtion directory" and i have no idea what or where that is D':

Its where you installed the game


when in doubt


search your computer for




edit2: why can't this be more like fomm for fallout?!

Because FOMM was written after OBMM and it grew from the experience

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well after doing what striker said i was able to play for like two hours and then whated to place in a new mod and when i exited my p2 problem came back "-_-


i'm starting to question if buying the game online on steam might be the issue, hell everytime i have to "reinstall" after this type of thing it takes like 5 hours.


i just want to play oblivion with mods!!! :'(


edit: its weird cause now i can't install/uninstall into obmm and fomm won't install fomods but it will let me uninstall stuff, freaky >_>

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I didn't realize you were a Steam user, otherwise I would have emphasized not to miss the link near the top of the Oblivion reinstalling procedure about moving your Steam folder. Here's a quote, with the link expanded to more words to be a bit more visible:


If you didn't move your Steam install location you are still under UAC's clutches. Unfortunately this means going through the whole reinstall with Oblivion, but from my understanding your other Steam games (i.e. more modern Steam games that are designed to work alongside UAC) should only require you to start the game for it to update. I would uninstall Oblivion before moving Steam to C:\Games (unless you have more than one physical hard drive, then use their D:\Games\Steam example ... it's always good to have your games on a separate hard drive).

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ok before i do this, i just thought i'd post a picture of my problem




its evil



well i just cleaned my pc of oblivion, reinstalled it placed it in that new area and..... still getting that freaking error!!!!!

its official i hate obmm... there another mod manager? or should i just make a list and do it without a manager?

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