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Increased Difficulty Beyond Master


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I don't know about most of you, but straight from the get go I wanted to max out my smithing and enchanting in this game. Little did I realise that once maxed out you can improve items, with the use of potions and a blacksmithing gear set, to the extent that you can top 300 damage on a daedric one handed sword, not including enchants on top of that. Now thats practically one shot kills when your not even sneaking on master difficulty!


So my question is, would it be possible to add another level of difficulty to the game? Or to modify the master setting to for example, reduce my damage output by **%, increase mob health and increase damage taken?


Oh and another question, I married camilla. I now have a house in solitude, but she still insists on wearing rags. Is there anything I can do, mod or not, which will allow me to put the clothes I want her to wear on her?


Thanks in advance!

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Thats what Iv resorted to doing, but this is the hardest difficulty level ingame and personally for me you should HAVE to use everything in the game to its full advantage to survive.


I never knew when starting this game that going the crafter route would provide a massive damage output, which looking back now I would have never done.

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Thats what Iv resorted to doing, but this is the hardest difficulty level ingame and personally for me you should HAVE to use everything in the game to its full advantage to survive.


I never knew when starting this game that going the crafter route would provide a massive damage output, which looking back now I would have never done.


hmmm,i agree about the master difficulty,but maybe instead of applying new difficulty wouldn't be better if someone could improve the mobs AI??so there's no change on how the game scales the mobs according to our level,but make it more intelligent,like better tactics or use covers often while the melee guards them or surrounds the chief bandit to protect him...


what do you think??

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Yeah I was really surprised @ how easy master difficulty is. I've been playing on adept but about 2 days ago I wanted to give master a try, and the jump in difficulty was barely noticeable. I was ready to be roflstomped but instead I just plowed through everything just like on adept.


Master needs some overtuning, for one the enemies need more HP, I can still 2 shot basically everything in the game on master besides higher-level dragons @ level 47.

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