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DDS saving issue


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First of all, sorry if I paste it in the wrong thread.

OK, the problem is that I have a nice PSD with dark skinned texture and when I save it the result is...well, the texture is spoiled T.T






If anyone knows how to solve this problem, please share your solution :pweeaase:

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ummm..I don't see a problem myself. Saving from a PSD down to a DDS sometimes 'lightens' the image. I think I would try it in game first, then go from there. Are you generating a normals map with this as well? :biggrin:


I should add that I am a novice modder myself, but I work mostly with textures and this issue kept happening to me as well. I had to train my eye...as it were to accept the change. This drove me nuts for the mod I did for DA2.

Edited by BarefootWarrior
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LFact, yes, I've tried, but it's the same x_x

BarefootWarrior, yes, I do create n_maps with nvidia dds plugin)

But it doesn't lighten the texture, it changes the colour channels and blure some areas I suppose.

Kiyasumeni, and I see, it's very noticable for my eyes.

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Try saving it in uncompressed format (using Argb or 8.8.8 rgb if not using the alpha channel)-- it is probably the compressing of the texture that is changing things (while saving it uncompressed increases the file size fourfold your 512x512 texture is small enough that having it used uncompressed will not be a problem (the saved filesize uncompressed at 512x512 will be the same as a 1024x1024 texture saved compressed ) Edited by JDFan
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