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Skyrim patch downloading right NOW (pc)


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I find it ridiculous, that I had to manually disable Steam and the overwrite my executable with one from another person to be even able to play game I bought.


Beth and Steam did freaking good job today, like really slapping pirates to the face, from a blow like this, the pirates will not recover for years.




hope that last bit was sarcasm, all the patch did was force steam to be running for steams benefit, didn't hinder pirates, didn't hinder those that have already pirated the game, just screwed legit users who did everything as they were told. steam blocked by firewall, or...other methods and you won't be forced to join steams communist drone army. Beth got their money when we bought the game...steam is just a parasite...and like all parasites it can be extremely detrimental to the host at times.

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How come every guy and their dog knows how pirating and cracked games work, but not developers?

Patching something in steam will do nothing for the piraters. Why? Because most of the times they do not use steam!



In sad reality, decisions like this are not made by developers. This kind of decisions are so called "management decisions", made by some egg-head in Armani suite, at the corporate headquarters. By peoples, who knows about programming and/or piracy just what was written in management report, made by peoples from marketing and company lawyers.

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So, this....


Just completely broke my game.


I hear that:


-certain FXAA injectors no longer work

-Borderless Window's no longer work

-LAA Patch no longer works

-Game now requires Steam to run.


Also, whenever I try to load any of my saved games - Skryim crashes to the desktop without explanation.


what the f***?

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I find it ridiculous, that I had to manually disable Steam and the overwrite my executable with one from another person to be even able to play game I bought.


Beth and Steam did freaking good job today, like really slapping pirates to the face, from a blow like this, the pirates will not recover for years.




hope that last bit was sarcasm, all the patch did was force steam to be running for steams benefit, didn't hinder pirates, didn't hinder those that have already pirated the game, just screwed legit users who did everything as they were told. steam blocked by firewall, or...other methods and you won't be forced to join steams communist drone army. Beth got their money when we bought the game...steam is just a parasite...and like all parasites it can be extremely detrimental to the host at times.


I assure you, it was sarcasm.

Looks like pirated Skyrims have only one downside. Any patches will come to you about 30 mins later than to paying customers.

The positive side is... You can play. And when you want to play.

Oh dear, I wish I could do that with my Skyrim.


...I wish pirated ones will not be able to run half of the mods or something. I demand justice.


What I don't understand is why I couldn't run the game at all after the patch, untill I killed Steam and got backup exe from another person that is. I just got infinite loop of launchers with CTD even before Beth logo showed up. Makes me wonder what else was there.



I mean... rather ignore me, I'm just a bit angry, fist the install problems I had on 11.11.11, now this, starting to be a bit over the top and I have to wonder what's next.

Edited by elvinkun
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I hate steam. Always have, and no reason to believe that it will change. I have nothing against such a service concept, it's just that steam is a very bad piece of software.


So steam decided to update my game too - the thing is though, it didn't. What it did, was delete my TESV.exe file. No longer there. I hadn't even done the 4gb patch yet.


So what now? Reinstall it from the DVD? That would be a pain in the ass, and not something I should have to do. Any suggestions?

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I hate steam. Always have, and no reason to believe that it will change. I have nothing against such a service concept, it's just that steam is a very bad piece of software.


So steam decided to update my game too - the thing is though, it didn't. What it did, was delete my TESV.exe file. No longer there. I hadn't even done the 4gb patch yet.


So what now? Reinstall it from the DVD? That would be a pain in the ass, and not something I should have to do. Any suggestions?


Right-click on Skyrim in Steam, select properties, go to Local Files tab and select Verify Integrity of Game Cache. That's another one of the good things about Steam. If a file somehow gets corrupted (virus or something, or scratched disk) then it can fix just that file.

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I hate steam. Always have, and no reason to believe that it will change. I have nothing against such a service concept, it's just that steam is a very bad piece of software.


So steam decided to update my game too - the thing is though, it didn't. What it did, was delete my TESV.exe file. No longer there. I hadn't even done the 4gb patch yet.


So what now? Reinstall it from the DVD? That would be a pain in the ass, and not something I should have to do. Any suggestions?



Verify game cache integrity.

I love Steam, sure it's not perfect, but so far it's the best at what it does.

This whole Steam-CEG thing makes perfect sense for multiplayer games such as Call of Duty, but is quite stupid when it comes to single player games like Skyrim.

Right now it's not preventing any piracy AT ALL, and assuming the 1.2 patch also includes this protection, it will only DELAY the cracking groups.

I do hope whoever made this decision (Whether it was Zenimax, Bethesda, or VALVE) redacts it and allows us to have freedom once again.

I fear this protection will prevent any hope of having a Skyrim Script Extender in the future.

This severely limits mod capabilities, and not being able to apply the 4GB patch causes there to be more CTDs.

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So we got faceslapped once again.


Just hypothetical question.


Does that mean no SSE (Skyrim Script Extender)?

Edited by Bunik
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