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Enchant IDs


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I think MGEF is actually for spells, but I wouldn't mind hearing if the MGEF ids work.


I am pretty sure MGEF == magic effect.


Just to confirm, using the ENCH ID's from Skyrim Viewer (or the ones ingame) do mostly not for for the playerenchantobject command. I think it does directly attach the spells to the item. MGEF Variables do work as long as they have a description at least. Just working through the MGEF list.

Here's the full list of effects;

and to make it simpler, the ones in the brackets that say EnchFortify*****ConstantSelf are the ones that work 100%, as they're used by the enchanting process itself.


Wow that is quite some list, thanks a ton exactly what I needed.

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There you go, imprelented the ones labeled as Ench*Self and the Ench*FFContact (these seem to be the weapon on hit enchants).


Need to check the id's now if they work :D


Thanks for the big list, was a huge help, how were you able to export them? Using Skyrim Viewer (just learnt about it) atm and can't figure it out :D

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very interesting is it possible to use most of these effects for the playercreatepotion the obvious ones that wouldnt work are the weapon ones but things like regenerate health and such should work. ill do some testing and find out myself. I'm looking to make some witcheresque like potions and this list will help immensely.
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