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Bored of Skyrim?


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I think the biggest problem with every elder scroll game is the role playing aspect or lack thereoff. People simply don't react to your attitude or actions unless you commit some felony in plain sight. And by not reacting I mean rambling about future plans of long dead heroes, you being the leader of certain factions and being treated like the stable hand by your underlings and other things along these lines.


I always liked the open world aspect very much, but came to the conclusion that open ended isn't such a thrill. Starting with Morrowind I found there isn't something I want to do with that particular character after the main quest was finished. OK, so I'm the Nerevarine or Hero of Cyrodil. Why in hell should I go working up the ranks in some random faction? Why would my character do that after all? Again, its a role playing thing.


Fallout New Vegas combined both elements pretty well. The game let you know that there's no turning back once you started the last part of the main quest. You could take all the time you liked exploring and doing side quests, making a name for yourself (btw, a name that had a meaning as opposed to the Skyrim concept), but once you went to the final confrontation, its game over.


This also allowed for becoming a real hero. Someone of legend as opposed to some meaningless title.

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I'm not bored with it yet, I just find the Misc quests tedious, I chose to complete them all hehe. I've only done about 10 side quests and over 100 Misc quests, keeps me busy and helps build my character.
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The problem for me is everything is spread too thin, it has a large number of quest lines but they're far too short. You go from the new guy to top dog in no time at all, there really isn't any sense of achievement.


This is one of my main issues really. I feel that every guild I join, all I have to do is a few quests and suddenly I'm in charge, which doesnt actually change anything other than make me run out of storyline :tongue:


The DB should be broken up a bit more so you get ranked up based on how many assassinations you make and how cleanly you make them. I mean really, would they trust a new assassin to take on the biggest mission they have ever done just because they discovered it. Eventually you should get that mission but you should have to do a lot of assassinations to prove yourself and rank up in the guild.


Its the same with the theives guild. Im now the leader but I've not really stolen that much. Surely I should have had to rob a few houses and targets such as the treasury in Markarth, as well as bring in a load of money and rare items before becoming the leader.


It kind of makes it feel like everyone else in the guilds are under achievers and have never done anything significant for the guild. Some of the things I do don't necessarily mean I should be the leader. How can I possibly lead all these guilds anyway, and if I am the leader then why does nobody really acknowledge it.


If the arch mage walks into town people should take note. If the leader of the DB does then people should be nervous, and the leader of the Thieves guild should be under constant surveillance by everyone. Fair enough I understand that the DB and theives guild are secretive so people may not know who the leader is, but that doesnt change the arch mage. It should also have an implication when joining the legion or stormcloaks. To them the arch mage or a highly skilled assassin would be a great resource but they dont even acknowledge it.


Anyway on topic, I am going to give the game a rest for a couple of days. I have around 150 hours in now and have loved nearly everyone of them, but I need to have a break. After that Im sure I will be back on it. I really can't wait for the big mods to come. The game is brilliant but definitely has its flaws.

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I think the major reason I am bored is the lack in original quests, it's alwasy go find item X then talk to guy Z after you go and check out this random object at point Y, then he gives you an item for you to come back to point Y with and shove up your arse in a ritualistic manner to get some bloody door open. Oh and while you are in there perhaps you should watchout for those pesky Draugr and sh**spitting spiders.


Even the "guild" quests are lame. I remember in Oblivion how awesome they were.


TL:DR - It's obvious the quest design was uninspired to say the least and the main quest was seemly shorter that other titles. Almost CoD like shortness.

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Not bored yet, but I just finished the College of Winterhold questline, and was very disappointed. Guess we'll have to wait for mods to make the various guild titles difficult to obtain.
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Not bored, but disappointed that NPCs are not more engaging. I loved Baurus in Oblivion and every character voiced by that actor. Some of my favorite actors appear in Skyrim but their characters leave me cold. Not sure whether that's the fault of the actors or the writers, though.


Thats not to say the game doesn't have its moments. My female character was standing in the arch mages office while I tried out various skin retextures. The mage walked over and said, " I wish you would cover up, you're making me unseasonably warm!". I was very surprised, I never expected to be noticed!


Still, I dont have many hours in the game and I'm probably guilty of judging it by too close a comparison to other games. This will be the first game that I've played as a modder from Day One. Ultimately I hope to look back on Bethesda's version of Skyrim as only the template for the Skyrim I come to love!

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I think Skyrim's a great game, but like Fallout 3 and F:NV for some reason I find myself sinking so many hours into it in a short space of time that I get sick of it and end up mentally composing essays on everything I think's wrong with it. I'd still say it's a great game, because ultimately it's an entertainment product and I feel like I've easily had my money's worth already, and this is before the CK even comes out.


Main complaints:


Difficulty seems hard to predict because of the mix of some level scaling and balance between skills - most the time the game seems either too easy or too hard, and when I encounter any given enemy I'm not sure whether they're going to be my worst nightmare or dead in 1-2 hits, which takes away their character.


General story telling - I think the generated quests feel worryingly like the direction the developers want the game to go in. I miss RPGs that focussed on writing to draw your attention away from the mechanics of what you're doing.


Particularly when starting a second character, it felt to me like there really wasn't much opportunity in the game to play as a 'type' - there are very few quests that are presented as moral dilemmas where your decisions have an effect and define your character. It seems more like everything is a simple choice to do a quest or not, and either way nothing really changes.

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