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Over 1400 hours in FO4 and (Short rant)


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I've had it! I am finally going to say it: Steam can officially suck it!

I finally get my problem sorted with not being able to start a new run through and what does Steam decide to do??? Says FO4 isn't installed! The Hell is that about?? All 29gigs of game is STILL in my steamapps\common folder. So Steam is DOWNLOADING the game AGAIN!. I stop it, exit Steam when the dl reaches 100+mb of downloads, go into steamapps\downloading and delete everything inside. Load Steam up again, Steam shows that FO4 is not installed. So, I try to reverify the data and that option isn't there.

I refuse to let Steam rape me anymore. I am not going to wait 6+ hours to play MY game. I am sick to death of Steam.



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I hate Steam. I am also thoroughly disappointed by the actions of Bethesda. But the crux of the matter is that, although there are a lot of games out there, nobody creates games with the content and playability that Beth puts into them. That is why I keep coming back for more of the same. Because of this I have to put up with my raising gorge and accept Steam and Bethesda's questionable business practices. There is no choice, really.



The Rabbit

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No. There is no choice when it comes to purchasing games through Steam. I agree. Bethesda turned FO4 into a money grabbing scheme, when they raised the price of the season pass and then turned around and told everyone that Nuka World would be the final DLC. After justifying the price increase by saying there was to be several more DLCs. Yes, I am glad that I pre-purchased the game and pass at the same time.

But, anyway. I will continue to purchase my games through Steam. This is the third time Steam has done this with one of my games. First Skyrim and now twice with FO4. Well, time to settle in and let Steam rape me without lube for 6 hours.

God! I feel like a piece of meat....

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... this is exactly why, I will buy HARD COPIES, when/if I can. I will not buy "digital copies" of anything from Steam, unless it's no choice.


I've just read too many stories, like this, and got banned for 30 days because I pointed out, that I too got taken ... until I finally got the DATE/TIME stamp from Credit Card and Paypal that I did indeed buy the game.


They accused me of "lying" and I saved screen captures of the "give and take and insults" they gave me, because they "accidentally" deleted those posts and accused of my lying there too - Until I posted the Screen Captures. Oops.


I got my games reinstated, but never got an apology for the accusations and such. Just an excuse that just about everyone lies, so that is "how they deal with it".


This is why "monopolies" like this are not allowed. The customer loses and that is that.

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Well, the hard copy of FO4 is a PARTIAL install. So, you will STILL need to install via Steam. No way around that now.

Edited by NCRForever
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Well, the hard copy of FO4 is a PARTIAL install. So, you will STILL need to install via Steam. No way around that now.


I know, but ... at least I have serious amo on my side if Steam pulls the stunt they did on me and I also now keep hard copies / a PDF of all purchases - with screen captures.


Fool me once, shame on you ... fool me twice, shame on me.

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