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Fallout 4 online.


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You may know the mod Tamriel Online. I was wondering if something like that would ever happen with Fallout 4. I am assuming it would be a similar process as the fallout 4 and skyrim are very similar.


So what do you guys think. Do you see a fallout 4 online mod in the future?


(dont say "yes, in 5 years. Thank you XD)

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God I hope not. The world does not need another showcase for

  • 13 wanna be 30 foulmouthed children
  • Level 75 hunter/thieves who stalk weaker players
  • "I'm too busy, save me some loot" casual players
  • "I need", "I want", "Gimme", "Do it my way", "Fine, I'm outta here" mercenaries
  • "I'm in the guild and I never get first choice" whiny, petulant children
  • "I'm Guild Master. Do it my way or you're outta here" petty tyrants
  • "I've been in the guild since it started and I say" passive agressives
  • and last but not least, "The guild rules state,,," wanna be webmasters

I really hope Bethesda has the good sense to not add to the dystopia which is already MMORPG.

Edited by RattleAndGrind
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It would be more successful than Tamriel Online imo, there are loads of medieval type of mmos but few set in a post apocalyptic world.


The next natural step for me from Skyrim would have been a single player game which would have been tackle two providences at once if not the whole of Tamriel, instead we got a mmo.


The Fallout series is different because its set in a real world country rather than a fictional world. So im happy with each game covering a city and its area and thats it. A mmo would just cover multiple cities or something.


I would have preferred Fallout online rather than one based on the Elder Scrolls games.

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Given the amount of assholes online games attract, I certainly hope not.


I'm playing GTA online and most of the time I have to fight off other players instead of doing some other activity. Most online games are a first class advertisment against that approach.

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