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Has anyone else been having their game randomly close


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My game crashes a lot. A lot lot lot. And it's crazy annoying, and I sometimes hadn't saved for a while. I really hope this gets resolved, because it's affecting my desire to click the icon again and try to fix my lost progress, only to find out that an item I get in a chest was random, and different the second time around etc.
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Having the same problem also. It can get annoying especially when you are in the middle of something. Hopefully the upcoming patch from Bethesda will fix the problem. The Stream update was not the upcoming patch.

For those of you who loaded the third party memory fix off of Skyrim Nexus the Stream update messed that up and many who were using it cannot even load the game now. Oh well just have to save a lot and deal with it.


Something to try is


Got to Stream in your directory

select StreamApps

select common

select Skyrim

locate the tesv.exe file and create a shortcut to your desktop


Launching the TESV.exe file from desktop bypasses Stream completely and should free up some memory. I just did that and it works don't know if it will fix the random crashing though.

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I had this problem at the beginning, some ini tweaks and the 4gb patch fixed it COMPLETELY the game worked just perfectly, and then STEAM went (I quote here) "all nazi" on the .exe and now the game is unplayable even with old inis restored.

f*** YOU STEAM!!!!

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Yea happened to me a lot at first (about every hour) after I installed the ENB patches it stopped however.

Of course it reoccurred once I put in some high resolution textures but the LAA flag took care of this. I'm now without crash for days.

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Seems to be RAM related. Try running fewer things in the background or lowering shadow quality.


Ive got 12gb ram. The game only uses 2gb on default and since I play on max graphics I think thats what was causing it. The use more then 2gb fix worked, it stopped the crashes all together for me.


If your interested to compare specs I am on


win 7 64 bit

i7 930

12gb 1300hz ram

GTX 580 3gb edition.

Edited by SHO3LACE
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