Dark0ne Posted July 28, 2016 Share Posted July 28, 2016 DDProductions83 banned.Reason for the banRepeated name calling and general toxic behaviour in the public forums despite numerous (numerous, NUMEROUS) warnings to please STOP else we'd have no choice but to ban him. Today is the day.We've been placed in an untenable position over the past few months by DDProductions83 whereby many, many users have contacted us privately asking us why exactly DDProductions83 is allowed to continue acting the way he does publicly, both on our forums and on his file pages and comment threads, when others are formally warned and/or banned for much lesser infractions. It’s a valid question.Unfortunately, there's only so long we can say "We are talking with DDProductions83 directly to try and sort out this issue as we do not want to lose such a talented member of this community" before you can no longer save face and your moderation is, rightfully, called into question. Repeatedly.We no longer moderate on an "everyone is equal basis". This may shock or upset you, but in the past few years we've gone from the Judge Dredd form of moderation where if people don't follow the exact letter of our ToS they will be warned or removed, irrespective of past records and/or actions and more towards a meritocracy style form of moderation (or even, how normal courts of law try to work in some respects). When deciding on what course to take, we try to take into account the past actions of users we're scrutinising to ascertain whether they’re generally a positive and helpful influence within the community, whether what they're doing is out of keeping with their normal behaviour (e.g. are they just having a bad day?) and whether their removal from the community would actually be a boon or a bane for both us and the community in general, e.g. is the bad they’re doing worse than the good they’re doing, and can we convince them to change their ways so they can remain here?Unfortunately, it’s gotten to the point where DDProductions83 constant breaking of our ToS, particularly in regards to his harsh and offensive attitude towards others who disagree with him, is outweighing the good he’s doing for us and this community.DDProductions83 has worked on and shared some amazing mods in this community, made some great friends, shared his knowledge and experience and helped many other members in this community with their issues. And importantly, I actually quite like him and have been happy to interact with him on his Get To Know Your Mod Author livesteams on his YouTube channel. Which is a slight conflict of interest.However, this has been offset by repeated breaches of our ToS, despite us sending several formal warnings and many, many informal warnings, aside comments, open and private conversations asking him to tone it down and learn to play nice with others whom he disagrees with. He has also been banned from the site on one occasion as well as removed from the private mod author forums which was supposed to be “unmoderated”. Indeed, his actions were so bad and toxic in our unmoderated mod author forums that we were forced to remove him. Despite all these warnings and second chances, DDProductions83 has been incapable of reforming or growing up enough to interact maturely in public here, which is why we are having to do this.As a result, I’m extremely disappointed that I’m having to do this, as I was more than hopeful that, in light of how lenient we have been in trying to get him to abide by our rules and the repeated conversations we’ve had with him, DDProductions83 might learn to interact here in a grown up and mature way. Sadly, that has not been the case.As per our ToS, we do not automatically remove the files of users we ban unless there are extenuating circumstances, of which there are none here. DDProductions83 may contact us to have his files removed at his request, or we can pass the files on to another user (e.g. a friend) who will manage the files in his stead. Having said that, if you are one of those friends, please be aware that you are going to be held to the ToS, so there can be no excuse of “DDProductions83 told me to do it” or “I didn’t know DDProductions83 had snuck a rude remark in to his file description/readme/mod”. You shall become responsible for his work here, and all that entails.Lastly, this isn’t a joke to me. It’s utterly wasteful, both of my time and of the talent we’re losing in this community because DDProductions83 can’t learn to play nice with others. As a result, if there is going to be a designated “caretaker” of DDProductions83’s files here, I won’t accept any of the usual “joke” edits or additions to his files or others that make light of or mock the fact DDProductions83’s has been banned. I won’t accept any “Stackable Concrete Foundations -- DARREN GOT BANNED LOLOLOLOL EDITION” or changes of a similar ilk. As I said, this isn’t a joke. It’s god damn stupid it’s happening at all.Reference postReference postReference postReference postReference postReference post Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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