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Too short!


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In general, I find the factions quests way too short.


In Oblivion or Morrowind, you would go in a town, make a good dozen quests, then move to another town , some more quests etc... it was like 3 times longer.


In skyrim, there is only one guild in one town (the companions are ONLY in Whiterun for instance, where as in Oblivion or Morrowind you had a Mage/Warrior Guild in almost every town), in 2hours you finish everything and you are the guild's master... ehh?

And this is for every guild: thieves, DB, legion the pseudo mage guild... this is too short! :/


After that, the quests that are auto generated are boring and very recurrent, and there is no scenario or real background.


Add to that a main storyline which is very short too, well... can't wait for the construction set to build stuff to add some interest.

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Two hours? I spent quite awhile longer than that in one dungeon in the Mage guild quest line. Beyond that there are a great many side quests that you seem to be completely ignoring. You remind me of the people who claim to have played the Portal 2 single player content in less than four hours. I've spent 126 hours since release in game, and I feel as though I've barely scratched the surface of what the game has to offer. Each time I venture out into the world I discover something new, often a few things. It would seem you're doing something wrong, or trolling.
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I dunno, in every factions i had 5-6 quests to do and then poof! here come the auto generated quests.

For example the dark brotherhood, you get, let's say, 5 quests? then you kill the emperor, the cave gets destroyed and Voilà. After that the dead mother gives you boring auto generated quests "go there kill him come back" "go there kill her and come back".. yeah... great.


Thieves guild was finished in one night for me... I may be rushing too much but well, if you only do what is asked, its VERY quickly finished.

Now im the master of the guild, so again, auto quests that seems pretty redundants.

Edited by Gugus0
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Ive only completed the Companion questline so far, as I dont see any reason how my axe wielding dragon slaying nord could possibly want to join the thieves guild, dark brotherhood or the mages guild; but it does seem fairly short. Two hours is a huge exagguration, probably closer to ten hours for me... but thats because I actually explore dungeons, rather than running full speed following the quest marker. Oh, and I barely fast travel. However, the randomly generated quests are a nice touch, and although Ive only done two of them after becoming the harbringer, it looks like there may me another extension of the plotline revolving around the totems of Hircine...
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As I've said before, it's about the journey, not the destination: if you rush every single quest that tells you to fetch an item/kill someone just to have the quest completed and receive rewards, you will find no enjoyment in it


don't rush through the dungeons, try to loot and explore all you can, find creative ways of killing enemies (using traps, reversepickpocketing poisons, etc..) rather than CHAAAAAARGE!!! and kill them in 1 hit...


if your only objective in skyrim is to finish the game, you're gonna miss A LOT

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Yea I think that's what I'll do, im a lvl 41 two handed sword master so Im going to get a nice one handed sword and work on other skills.


I've been exploring, but another thing is that I find loots to be extremely crappy, which reduce a lot the motivation to take time and explore in depth.


Maybe start a whole new char...

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Yea I think that's what I'll do, im a lvl 41 two handed sword master so Im going to get a nice one handed sword and work on other skills.


I've been exploring, but another thing is that I find loots to be extremely crappy, which reduce a lot the motivation to take time and explore in depth.


Maybe start a whole new char...


one thing I do is that whenever I obtain a unique cool looking weapon (such as dawnbreaker) I pump my smithing to 150-200 and improve it to be on par with my daedric sword, making me a "custom weapon"


of course, I also have the rule of never improving past 100 smithing for perked weapons and armor

Edited by Wertoret
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How long it takes to complete the quest chains, i think, depends largely on the difficulty. I'm playing on expert, and every fight is something of life or death. It takes me a good while to clear out a dungeon. In fact, the only quest chain i have actually completed is the Collage of Winterhold, and that was only because i was too damn curious to find out what the Eye did...
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I think you need the right attitude to quests in this game because rushing them is really no fun explore on the way and around them immerse yourself in the gameplay don't play it like the campaign mode in COD or similar. Perhaps my most recent experience of this is the 'Night to Remember' quest which I did incredibly quickly paying off the people for the damage I'd done and moving on to the next clue. I then saw many people claiming it was one of the funnest in the game. I took my time with it this time and did everything and explored between the section and indeed it was a great quest. Basically, if you rush quests continually fast travelling between locations and storming dungeons you won't get your moneys worth from this game.
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