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Blood, cuts, decapitations and dismemberments


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Don't you guys think Skyrim is too polite in the matters of violence? It should be more Dragon Age alike, lots of blood and dismemberment, after all it is a medieval game, or sort of. So here it is my requests:




1) When a blade hits it should leave a cut. It's frustrating to hit someone in the neck and see blood squish without any cut! I simply think that, like all shooting game should have bullet holes, all sword game should have cuts.


2) The last hit before the adversary dies should leave a real nice cut behide with loots of blood squishing for some seconds, that gradually reduces until it's end.


3) The dying wound should also leaves a pool of blood on the ground. And if anyone steps on it, could leave some bloody footsteps behind (don't know if It's really possible of doing this).


4) There should be some dying animations associated with the body region where the last hit were. For example, if the dying wound were at the chest or ribs, the dying one should fall holding it while the blood flows out.


5) The time should have 1 chance in 3 of slowing down (let's say to 50% of the normal rate) for 1.2 second after you kill someone.


6) Animals and creatures depending of the size shouldn't get dismembered, but have nice deep wounds at death, with lots of blood squishing and a pool of blood below then at the end.


7) Greatswords should do really nasty wounds at the last hit, like cutting off one arm and letting a huge cut at the ribs or chest, almost ripping off that part of the body as well.


8 ) Knifes should never dismember or decapitate, it should make a bloody wound at the final hit, maybe some stabbing animating occasionally.


9) Double one-handed weapons should lacerate the body when double attacking at the final hit. For example, it could decapitate, rip one of the arms of the opponent and leave a deep wound at the chest as well.


10) And also when the enemy is dying or even already dead it should trigger the dismembering at the hits, so the after death hits would automatically rip off body parts. But if the target is already dead the blood should spill and not squish, because the heart wound't be pumping anymore.


11) Vertical strikes shouldn't decapitate but do a nasty wound at the head, maybe split it in two parts. If the strike was done by a greatsword it could do a cut till the belly, splitting the head and part of the chest in two.


12) It would be extremely nice if there was an alternate animation for the decapitation, instead of decapitating the strike could, depending of were it hits, split off parts of the head for example.


13) If the enemy is flying at the final hit, it should probably cut off at least one of his legs, maybe even split off the target body into two peaces.


14) When you stab at the final hit with a sword or knife it should penetrate the body and stuck inside the body, making the player have to press the left hand button again to remove it (it would be nice if there was a kicking animation at the removal of the blade). The stabbing is already a default moviment that occurs if you're holding a sword or knife at the left hand and you do a powerful stricke (by holding and releasing the left arm button, while at the stand position).


15) Arrows should leave tracks of bleeding, so if the hitted one tries to run away, we should be able to track then by following the blood track.


16) Fire and eletrical spells should burn, but fire especially should disintegrate parts of the skin and hair, leaving the afflicted with a burned look (until a healling spell or potion).




Maybe the blood should stain the armor and weapons (presets stains off course, dinamic stains problably aren'tt possible at Skyrim engine) and only get off after swimming or rainning. And this reminds me of something: why the hell the character don't get wet after swimming? This should be fixed as well.




I don't really know if what I'm wondering right now will be possible of doing, because it would change some mechanics of the game, but I think It would be also nice if the armor could get rip or cracked at the hits. I don't meant only the opponent armor, but ours too. Like in Assassin Creeds game series that we have to repair the armors, it should be alike at Skyrim. So whenever we go to the blacksmith or smithing ourselves It should appear an option for repairing the armor. And besides the awesome cracked look of the hitted armor (before repairing) it should reduce the actual protection when it's broken (let's say to 30% of the normal rate), to encourage us for repairing or changing it. Of course that some armors should never crack nor get broken, like the dragon armor, and any modificated armor should be harder to break. For example: the flawless hanking should be lot harder then the normal version to break, but the legendary and epic should be almost impossible to get broken). The enchantings, otherwise, shouldn't get affected by the state of the armor.

Edited by yurinicolau
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Repairing the armor would be as tedious as in Oblivion and everyone I have spoken to f***ing hated that tedious aspect. It destroyed my immersion in the game. If you wanted armor damage, I would suggest cosmetic damge that can be repaired by choice but has no impact on the armor rating.
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Even if it seems a bit strange and unnatural for some of these things to happen (I dk why, but I pictured the dual-wielding swords cutting one arm, slashing the belly open and cutting the head off all in a single animation. Would be awesome.) Some of these remind me of Claymore. Anyway, armor damage was terrible at Oblivion indeed, a cosmetic damage would be better.


+1 for the bloody combat. We need some a bit red to help color the white of Skyrim =]

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