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Buffing legendary spawn rate?

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Can anyone explain to me how I can do this on my own.


I just want to make a simple mod that makes legendary enemies spawn more often in Very Hard (I would play Survival, but I can't deal with no fast travel).


I have seen a couple mods that already exist like that, but most haven't been updated in months and I don't want my game to break using outdated mods.


I am not a modder though, never used the creation kit (and previous kits for other Bethesda games) for anything more than spawning an item somewhere or something simple like that... I don't even know where to start looking.



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Simple answer is to add legendaries to the lvled character lists... You will find them under 'actors; leveledcharacter'


The box will show all the form ID's that can spawn. the lvl in front of it is not the lvl of the spawned creature, but the lvl at which you can encounter them.


If there are 4 different creatures in the list, and one creature of each, the chances of one of them spawning are equal. Adding more of the same creature will result in it spawning more often.


By adding legendary creatures to all the lists, you will make sure they will spawn more often... As far as I can tell, each individual spawn point in game will use one of those lvled character lists, and that determines what can spawn. If there are only 2 that spawners that use a list that has a legendary in it, there can only be a maximum of 2 legendaries. By adding legendaries to lists that don't have them, you will multiply the amount of legendaries in the game.


I am however not sure, how the difficulty lvl applies to all this. It might be using scripts, but that would have to be confirmed by someone else. The solution I gave would multiply the legendaries in all difficulty modes, unless different modes use different lists instead of scripts, in which case you'd have to identify the appropriate leveled character lists...

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