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Everything posted by Yulliah

  1. Port is probably not going to happen. Koupoable has set the mod permissions to others needing their permission to modify the files, and they haven't been active on the Nexus since 2019. I would change your request to someone making a similar mod for FO4.
  2. At the dialogue for npt recruiting him, add script that sets the stage to 10... otherwise the stage will stay 20...
  3. Sounds like you are not using any of their assets to your mod, only that your mod is dependent on theirs
  4. You use onlu the models, material files and the textures, create a new mod and create new buildable objects that use the models...
  5. Probably best to use a script, as it will need to check the current perk level and act accordingly... Otherwise you have a person be at max lvl perk, you use the chem, and it does not add a perk as you are max, but it will remove it at the end...
  6. Using just the clear function in the stage fragment didnât solve the problem in my case... i had to check the allow reserved box for it to work for me... Depending on what youâre trying to do in your script, youâll still have to check the box on the alias...
  7. It's either a port, or a rebuilt model... ;) But you are right, it is very possible to make it from scratch, or mash-up/retexture existing gear into the gear you're looking for... Please link pictures of the exact outfits you are looking for, and I'll see what I can do...
  8. Oooh, this one is exciting... I have no idea how to animate models though... And it should at least blink...
  9. I like the idea... Have to do some research, as I've never really been able to get my static collections to work as buildable objects... Most of these things come in pieces... (at least without eggs etc.) Especially when they have an added animation marker...
  10. There must be a way to sort it all, as the pipboy is never confused between a misc item and an armor item... It manages to sort it just fine...
  11. Alright, it should be an easy fix, but I ran into some linked references with not enough of a clue of what I'm looking at... And I really don't want to mess up your game... I'm not much of a level builder...
  12. Moving the pipboy might be a solution... It will, however, be completely incompatible with any other mod that changes the vault in any way... And I'd have to be really careful not to mess anything up down there... I'll see what I can do!
  13. I am one of the mod authors that occasionally scroll through this forum to see if there is anything we can turn into reality for someone... This is not every day, nor is it every week, but I do, and so do many others... Yours was the first one I saw, mainly because of the many covert bumping messages on the post... What you should realise, however, is that we usually read the entire thread before we decide to put time and effort into someone's request... And there aren't many requirements, apart from the question if our general ability is up to the task... However, seeing as there are MANY requests, and only so little of us willing, not every request can come to fruition... How do we select? I hear you thinking... Well, we read the post, see if this person is generally pleasant, undemanding and patient... Responding with a passive aggressive message towards the people who would be spending time and effort on your behalf with no return, a mere 24 hours after your original post is not the way to go, mate... I hate to tell you this, but unless you find a modder that is as enthusiastic as you are about walking around in this outfit, this will not happen...
  14. Sorry there are 2 more scripts: Though these seem to be just for setting the right stage during the quest that runs the script... ScriptName Fragments:Quests:QF_Z_LevelUp_Poll_02001741 extends Quest Const hidden ;-- Properties --------------------------------------float Property LoopTimerDuration = 0.5 Auto Const ;-- Variables --------------------------------------- ;-- Functions --------------------------------------- Function Fragment_Stage_0010_Item_00()Quest __temp = Self as Questscript_z_levelupevent kmyQuest = __temp as script_z_levelupeventkmyQuest.CacheValuesBefore()kmyQuest.Start_LevelTimer(LoopTimerDuration, 1)EndFunction Function Fragment_Stage_0000_Item_00()Debug.Notification("Level-up started.")Self.SetStage(10)EndFunction -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AND-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ScriptName Fragments:Quests:QF_Z_LevelUp_Event_02001742 extends Quest Const hidden ;-- Functions --------------------------------------- Function Fragment_Stage_0010_Item_00()Quest __temp = Self as Questscript_z_levelupevent kmyQuest = __temp as script_z_levelupeventkmyQuest.UpdateHealingAfter()Self.stop()EndFunction
  15. Alright, I took a look... No amount of FO4Edit will do what you want though... It seems to be in the script, which I decompiled for you... However, my scripting is not good enough yet to change this... So I'll give you the decompiled script... Ask someone good with scripting to change the script for you, and once done, send me a DM... I'll add the new script to the mod for you... ScriptName Script_Z_LevelUpEvent extends Quest ;-- Properties --------------------------------------ActorValue Property Health Auto Const mandatoryGlobalVariable Property Z_PlayerCache_Health Auto ConstGlobalVariable Property Z_PlayerCache_Level Auto Const ;-- Variables ---------------------------------------float HealthCache ;-- Functions --------------------------------------- Function CacheValuesBefore()If (Z_PlayerCache_Level.GetValue() == 0 as float) ElseIf (Game.GetPlayer().GetLevel() as float != Z_PlayerCache_Level.GetValue())return EndIfObjectReference PlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer() as ObjectReferenceHealthCache = PlayerRef.GetValue(Health)Z_PlayerCache_Level.SetValue(Game.GetPlayer().GetLevel() as float)Z_PlayerCache_Health.SetValue(HealthCache)EndFunction Function DamageValueBackToCachedValue(ActorValue ActorValueToDamage, float CachedValue)ObjectReference PlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer() as ObjectReferencefloat currentVal = PlayerRef.GetValue(ActorValueToDamage)float difference = currentVal - CachedValueIf (difference <= 0 as float)return EndIfPlayerRef.DamageValue(ActorValueToDamage, difference)EndFunction Function UpdateHealingAfter()Self.UpdateCurrentInstanceGlobal(Z_PlayerCache_Level)If (Game.GetPlayer().GetLevel() == Z_PlayerCache_Level.GetValueInt() || Z_PlayerCache_Level.GetValueInt() == 0)return EndIfObjectReference PlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer() as ObjectReferencefloat healthTrueMax = PlayerRef.GetValue(Health)Self.UpdateCurrentInstanceGlobal(Z_PlayerCache_Health)HealthCache = Z_PlayerCache_Health.GetValue()Debug.Notification("Level advanced: " + Z_PlayerCache_Level.GetValueInt() as string + " to " + Game.GetPlayer().GetLevel() as string)Self.DamageValuesBackToCachedValues()Z_PlayerCache_Level.SetValue(Game.GetPlayer().GetLevel() as float)EndFunction Function Start_LevelTimer(float in_time, int in_timerID)Self.StartTimer(in_time, in_timerID)EndFunction Event OnTimer(int timerID)int out_stage = 1out_stage = timerID * 10If (out_stage >= 0 && out_stage < 5000)(Self as Quest).SetStage(out_stage)EndIfEndEvent Function DamageValuesBackToCachedValues()Self.DamageValueBackToCachedValue(Health, HealthCache)EndFunction
  16. I have no idea how to explain it any other way... But no, it isn’t easy... the mod you are suggesting is easily over 5 hours of work if you know what you’re doing... This is why other modders and myself don’t see ourselves doing it when it is so personalized for 1 person... if you DO want to learn how to mod, watch my tutorial on how to turn retextures into standalone mods: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HQfA6049ewg
  17. Some nifs do not use a material file, only a few though... skip them for now and first do the ones that DO have a material file...
  18. Material editor is a small program on the nexusmods, just type material editor in the search bar... You need all the game files with the extention ba2 that hold meshes, material files and textures... they should be in the data folder or one folder above... if you extract them in the fo4 folder, if will overwrite any and all texture replacements you had... and if you do not save the dds files with a new name, you will create a texture replacement... Now, to make a standalone version of the outfit with the new texture, you need to make a material file that links to the new textures, and than youse outfit studio to link that material file to the mesh... it works with both outfits and items... you can do it with nifscope, but doing it with outfit studio it is much less complicated... Using a new folder is for your own comfort, that way you can bundle all the new files in one place... I have a folder called Yulliah in meshes, textures and materials... in those folders there is folder with the name of my mod, and inside are the materials, textures and meshes for that mod... it’s mainly for organisational purposes... And if you later change the location of either the material files or the textures, you need to re-link them through material editor and outfit studio... Before we’re putting the items/outfits in game, the structure is; mesh (nif file) holds the information to the material file that it should use, and the material file holds the information of the textures it should use...
  19. One thing!!!!! Do not extract the ba2 files in the FO4 folder, but somewhere completely else on your harddrive!!!!!!!!!!, but DO SAVE YOUR EDITTED textures and materials and nif in the data folder in your FO4 folder...
  20. You need to: 1. get the bathesda archive extractor and extract all the ba2 files! 2. Find the right textures by going to data/textures/clothes or /armor 3. Get gimp 4. Get gimp dds extension I advise the Nvidia one, but there are others 5 open textures and edit them in gimp 6 save them as dds 7 create new folders/names for the new textures when you save them and remeber where they are 8. Get material editor 9. Find the right material files in tye data/materials folder, most likely corresponding with the place of the texture file 10. Copy the material file and rename it and put it in a new folder and remember where it is 11. Open the new material file, go to the second tab and replace the textures there with the editted textures in their roght location 12. Now, this is the easiest way: get body slide/ outfit studio 13 open the nif file that has the roght outfit in data/meshes and the corresponding folder to where you found the materials and the textures 14 doubble click on the name of the part of the outfit you want to change in the little menu in the right upper corner 15 change the material file there for the new one you made in the right location 16 export the nif without reference and name it a new name in a new folder 17 do the same for the 1st person version of the outfit and possibly both the male and female and their respective 1st person versions Do this for all the outfits you want changed and then come back here so we can tell you how to get them in game
  21. If I understand correctly, you want a chem vendor that is recruitable to your settlement, but one that has an inventory separate from the normal doctor that you can assign in a settlement that does not heal the player. Or do you want an extra chem dealer somewhere in the world that is more or less stationary. The first one would require a change in the settlement script, as it would basically add a vendor category to the script. This is not advisable... The second one should be fairly easy.
  22. Aight, good luck! Just a quick tip when you're altering textures... Use Gimp and get the .dds extention... You should be able to google that. Otherwise you can't open , change and save the texture files... If you have any questions, just ask them here... I'll put a notification on this post...
  23. Last time you basically said: I tried to do it myself, but failed. So I asked you where you failed... If it was with creation kit, or with making the textures itself... You never replied. If that question leaves you unable to make heads or tails of it, I'm not sure if modding is for you, tbh...
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