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Launching Oblivion Wrye Bash


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Unfortunately all I have until I return home is an Android tablet ... my gaming machine is about 9 hours drive away from where I'll be the rest of the summer.


It's been quite a while since I installed BOSS myself, but wasn't there an EXE file you could run to install it? If I remember correctly after I installed it Wrye Bash found it automatically and displayed the BOSS button. Could be you need to run BOSS once from either the desktop or Start menu ... I seem to remember something about chosing which games it would run for (though in my case I only have Oblivion so it was a short list).

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Having some mods already installed shouldn't affect getting BOSS to show up in Wrye Bash ... you could have a whole bunch of mods instaled before installing BOSS and it would be OK. Just work on finding out if BOSS will run from the desktop and then Wrye Bash will find it.
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And yes, you will activate the bashed patch after building it ... I think Wrye Bash will even prompt you to activate it.
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Actually, I don't think I have the BOSS files in the right place so Wrye Bash can recognize them - Where do I need to put them? I'm still not seeing a BOSS button in WB.


EDIT: SORRY, didn't see your most recent posts before I posted again.



OK, I tried installing BOSS as the readme indicates (put all files in the /DATA folder and run the .bat file). This runs boss independently but I still don't see the BOSS button in WB.....hmmm

Edited by snuke12
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Well I think I got it. I looked on a bunch of threads and someone posted that they put a shortcut to the boss.exe file into their mopy/app folder. I did that and the red BOSS button showed up in the bottom left so I am assuming it will work. Fingers crossed!


Thanks so much for the help, Striker. This can get confusing but you helped explain it a bunch.

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Make sure you close Wrye Bash completely and then restart it after you have installed BOSS. The Run BOSS button should be in the row of icons that starts from the very bottom left corner of the Wrye Bash window.


You could also try right mouse clicking in that area and see if BOSS gets listed in that right click menu ... if it's there but doesn't have a tick mark beside it you shoud be able to just click on it to get it ticked (though I don't remember needing to do anything like that ... maybe because I'm still running WinXP and so don't have anything interfering with me using my machine).

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Side question: One of my mods has a yellow checkbox instead of green in Wrye Bash. The readme says "All the package files are installed, but some resource (ie. non-plugin) files are not identical (eg. another package has overwritten them with another version of the files)"


I'm assuming that this is OK and the mods should work. The readme mentions something about running "Anneal" but I'm not quite sure what that means. Will the mod safely work since everything is green in the mod tab? I figure packages overwriting others is common when using a lot of mods.

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The way the Installers tab works is quite similar to load order ... Wrye keeps track of what files all mods listed in the Installer tab install, and when two or more mods install files to exactly the same folder path and same file name (i.e. an overwrite) the mods involved that are lower in the Installers tab list than the other "conflicting" mods will "win" the conflict. Another way to think of it is Wrye Bash installs the mods from the top of the list down to the bottom, so the lowest on the list wins all conflicts.


You can drag mods higher or lower on the list and see how their new position changes what is reported as far as overwrites. Sometimes the overwrites aren't a probem (mod A overwrites mod B's files with ones that are identical) and other times you will need a certain mod to "win".


Anneal is for when you decide to uninstall a mod that was involved in an overwrite battle. If it wasn't a "winner" in any battles it won't make a difference if you anneal or not (the winner's files will still be there). However if the mod you uninstall was one of the "winners" what anneal will do is put back the lowest listed "loser's" files (so if Mod A, mod B and mod C all changed the same file and they were listed from top to bottom in the Installers tab mod A then mod B and then mod C, mod C would win ... if you then uninstall mod C anneal will replace mod C's file with the one from mod B and mod A will still be the "loser").


Mods overwriting other mod's files isn't super common except in certain classes of mods. The ones I call "replacer mods" is one of the spots you will find overwrites commonly reported (there can only be a single replacement for the vanilla female iron cuirass for example and it will need to be in exactly Data\meshes\armor\iron\f\cuirass.nif ... if ten mods in your load order all want to change it only the one lowest in the Installers tab list will be displayed in game). If you only installed a single mod that wanted to change the female iron cuirass no overwrite would be reported.

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