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Launching Oblivion Wrye Bash


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Another way to think of it is Wrye Bash installs the mods from the top of the list down to the bottom, so the lowest on the list wins all conflicts.


You can drag mods higher or lower on the list and see how their new position changes what is reported as far as overwrites. Sometimes the overwrites aren't a probem (mod A overwrites mod B's files with ones that are identical) and other times you will need a certain mod to "win".


That makes sense.


At this point, I shouldn't have many "replacer mod" issues since I'm only using a few mods and they all affect different aspects of the game. But now I understand what to look for. Thanks once again.

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There is a tremendous amount of info to get your head around when you start out. It took me quite a while to piece it all together ... you are well on your way.
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