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If you can Draw it, I can Model it.


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nope. :D


way too much detail (i.e. beyond my skill atm)

not lore friendly

I'm not the one who started this topic, I will not do everything people put in here.

I got a bazillion ideas of my own and way to little time.


Still I think this topic should remain as a general pool of ideas. :thumbsup:

Edited by Grimoa
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Any chance you could make a daedroth like the ones from Oblivion, but minus the spikes on the back?


Either that, or maybe make a new skin for the werewolf that makes it look reptilian?


I would really like to make it so that my argonanian doesn't suddenly go from reptilian to mammalian if I am a werewolf.

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@Danidragon:Thanks :) I worked on it some more.

One problem I see are the various sliders. For the body weight I need to adjust the models to the slim and heavy versions as well as the genders. Otherwise there's a gap at the ankle. So thats four models for one item you see ingame. (Same goes for armor and clothing)

Than there's the skin tone slider. I have no idea how that works. There's only one texture. And I don't want a seem at the ankle where it borders the body texture.

Oh yeah and the normal map. I can use the plugin for gimp, but the normal maps generated by that one do not look like the vanilla ones. I have no idea what's the diffrence.

I obviously need to read some more tutorials.

So many ways this can still fail. :confused:


@elseagoat: That's a neat idea actually. And a weresabrecat for the khajiit. I'd like if someone would do that :thumbsup:

Did you try searching for werewolf retextures? Iirc there were a few out there.




http://img7.imagebanana.com/img/4r92peln/Blender_20120318_143941.png http://img7.imagebanana.com/img/uzpehhl7/Blender_20120318_195849.png

Is it just me or does the argonian one look like a chicken's foot? o.0



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You can made an armor in like this:


Its of the game The legend of the Dragoon?

If you can do it, you be my idol :)


more images



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@elseagoat and @Grimoa :Thare's already a mod for weresabrecat and werelizard mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10246 though the werelizard one is still WIP .


Gee,that looks pretty awesome,@Grimoa !As a suggestion...perhaps you could make the claws at argonian foot look a little bit sharper/pointed.


Maybe you should ask some other experienced modder like FallenAngle http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/modules/members/index.php?id=2741960 at textures (otherwise known as JazzJR) or DrakeTheDragon (though he hasn't made any mods for Skyrim) ,he made the awesome Argonian Beautification with the cool feet for Oblivion.


Oh,and the further problems would be that when an argonian/khajiit would equip Falmer boots or Footwraps.....I think

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Oh cool, I didn't know about the Argonian Beautification for Oblivion. Why didn't I use that back when I was playing Oblivion?

I think I can draw some inspiration from that one. Tbh I thought the argonian claws looked a little... ah.... less intimidating compared to what I did for the khajiit. So yeah, that might still change. But as I got little time for modding during the week it will take some time.


And you are right about the open shoes, I already thought about that aswell, but let's do this one step at a time, right?

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