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If you can Draw it, I can Model it.


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i try even in this thread (Third post for the same subject) even if its useless, there was an armor that i had loved in oblivion its just a conversion (dont know it it going to break the oblivion copyright)






Light Dawn armor



Light Thunderbird armor


Maybe converted for both CBB and Unp (with optional chainmail version for the heavy)


forum Thread: http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=28427


thanks in advance

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Can you do these crusader armors maybe with their templar, hospitaller or teutonic versions:



And maybe include a pet crusader:


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A little diffrent job, if you could chop of some limbs, and add some bandaged parts, for wounds missing arms, ears, huge scared barbaian and orcs, with a little bit of depth two there wounds, like from a dragon tearing through there steel, have that steel ripped, or dents in armor. Immersive battle evidence, im trying to make a battle mod/quest mod with layers of dragons, with chewed on corpses, or a chared knight in armor,melted to his face. But have nothing to add, I want some things to add to the immersive feel, and there are only a few things Bethesda gave me and everyone has ssen them, I want some limbless vetrans, and wounded. Also for awsome immerssion the easy task of adding some arrows and battle scars to already modled shields and armor. even arrows in killshot postions and similar things for fallen corpses, I want to add bodies with stories for lots of immersion so what you give me will make stories if your up for it any of these things you make will turn into a story, and point at you of course for all the credit, without these awsome models, I can only make the small battle mode I am currently working on, but so many more possible things could come of any addidtions I have listed. I have asked others aswell, but so far nothing. Of course even if others make stuff your work will be awsomely used and duely praised and credited.



This is another requests for my Battle/immersive quest production. That would greatly improve upon my mod,



This one is a bit more for script and modeling, but maybe if you could supply the item, I could at least use that. And maybe find somone in the future for the script.


Thanks, your awsome if you make these!! :wub: :D :yes: :yes: PLease!?

Edited by trithwood
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This is simple enough:

If it's not too much trouble, I hope you can take the time to resize the grass meshes for me. My new textures get scaled down to fit the old meshes, and I need them taller so that I can fit some really tall grass on them. The grass meshes need to be the same width, but 2.5x as tall. Here's a picture to make it a bit clearer. :)




Any help will be appreciated, and this seems like a more of a fair project in terms of work required than some of the other things here, no offense to anyone. It's just the OP is one person, and some of these requests are asking a lot.

Edited by Rennn
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