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Where'd you go Druids Garden?


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Where are the artists, the writers, the ambitiously motivated? This place used to be full of so many creative minds and fiery innovators and now it's drier than a washed up sponge (pun, metaphor? You decide). What happened to this place? Where did everybody go? Get mad people! Make something already! If you need to blow something up then for the love of peach trees, blow one up damn it! Just make something and bring it here. Druids Garden helps to breathe life into Nexus, and without it, it's like another missing lung.
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well i got a big writers block to be honest, wanted to write but nothing came up. But im working on a story now and ill have it up in a few days, once its done. So you can be glad that im going to be back
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I'm gaining more interests other than writing, so I've been moving away from it. My academia takes up a lot of my time and I'm slowly becoming more immersed in the material, and it's my priority. Also I don't get a lot of comments/feedback, so I'm not very motivated to post anything here. Plus formatting takes up my time and that's not fun.


As of the moment, I certainly do not have a writer's block; I'm getting more ideas each day. :D

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Mike: Good! I hope it's full of drama and violence, and people with arrows in their heads! Er....forgive me, I just met Sheogorath again in Skyrim and I'm just having a hoot over it. :dance:



Soul: Don't make me slap you with a tap dancing tap dancer's shoe. I've seen what you can write, and it seems you've got an infinite well of creativity. Now get digging into that well, and if your sharp mind isn't sharp enough to mine all of those ideas, then I'll rip your pelvis out and turn it into a pickax. :cool:



Alias: I've always understood your reasons A. You've got school to complete and that's more important. After all, you can't write without a mind that knows what it's doing. Or...was it without a pen that doesn't know what it's doing? This is going to bug me. Hmmm.... :huh:

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I'm still around, but my writing energies lately go to my blog and my creative energies lately have been focused on a huge Doom map with determination because the entire Doom community seems to agree that all my previous mods for that game are piles of feces (they use a different term which I won't repeat here).
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@M: I know you do, and at the moment, you're the only one who seems to be holding this place up with your shoulders. Thanks for that btw. You've got a lot of persistence, lol, something I need to learn direly. But yeah, sure, we'll get some occasional people in here too, but for the most part, its a one man thing. :/



@Herculine: I don't think I've seen you around all that much, but I believe I have read some of your work before here in Druid's. I hope you return and make us some more Odyssey's and Epics. :biggrin:

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I don't think I've seen you around all that much, but I believe I have read some of your work before here in Druid's.


Yeah, I think I stopped frequenting the thread about the time you started. My loss there; you have talent.

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