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Where'd you go Druids Garden?


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You may be pleased to know that I have been inspired to write by Skyrim, and plan to have something (although it's a rough work-in-progress at the moment) done soon. I don't know if people will like it or anything, but the words flowed from my pen just like in the good old days (i.e., six months ago, lol) when I could draft up a short story in a day or two. I also am hoping to finish something I've had collecting dust for a while soon, or I may just post what I have and get some feedback before finishing, I'm not sure. I've not forgotten about Druid's Garden :3
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Very well, Lord Sheokeanu. I'll see if I can get motivated and finish up these tales...after some Age of Empires II, of course.




Is there any game you and I haven't played? Lol. Love that game. Its what turned me into a major History freak and actually jump started my writing. :wub:

Edited by Keanumoreira
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Herculine: Perhaps, but there is much more that I have to learn. It will be a long time before I can turn my writings into some kind of profit or something that people actually want to read on a regular basis.



Tokyo: What a coincidence, I'm working on a Skyrim project myself. The only problem with mine is that I need to finish the main quest before I can press on with my story, and, to my horror, there is no location in Skyrim with a Shine to Maphala, which means I need to choose a location in the game to put one in my story. The introduction of the shrine shouldn't be a problem as it fits into the story, but where to put such a thing. :/

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The only way to gain quality in writing is to write. Simply start writing in Druids Garden, in a shared topic if it feels easier to do. If you wait until you think your good enough, then? What if you did not try to learn to swim until you learned to swim? Does not really make sense. I wrote lots of worse stuff on line before I started to improve. Some reactions were not very nice. I got a thicker skin and punched a few pillows etc.


Start writing and keep on writing. You will be surprised how this leads to improvements. Support each other. Do not be too slow to give kudos or too fast to take it away. Honorary kudos is good.


Write now, write on and keep on writing.

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The only way to gain quality in writing is to write. Simply start writing in Druids Garden, in a shared topic if it feels easier to do. If you wait until you think your good enough, then? What if you did not try to learn to swim until you learned to swim? Does not really make sense. I wrote lots of worse stuff on line before I started to improve. Some reactions were not very nice. I got a thicker skin and punched a few pillows etc.


Start writing and keep on writing. You will be surprised how this leads to improvements. Support each other. Do not be too slow to give kudos or too fast to take it away. Honorary kudos is good.


Write now, write on and keep on writing.


Unfortunately, that's easier said than done. Motivation is the other half of the battle.

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I can sort of relate to Maharg. Before I began taking an interest in writing as something more than just what was required of me at school, most of what I wrote was just for grades...and the quality barely passable for A's and B's since there wasn't a lot of serious effort on my part. Then came along games like the Elder Scrolls and my rediscovery of games like Age of Empires and slowly but surely, a seed of inspiration that was planted inside of me grew. My sudden fascination with chess three years ago only supplemented it and eventually I decided to see if I had anything as a writer or not.



That story I've posted here in the Garden about the chess game between the Dunmer and Orc is the first ever non-school-related work that I ever tried on. That I ever had a desire to try on.

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What you say is interesting, SouloChrysamere.


Keanumoreira, motivation comes with the writing. Use writing as the starter motor. Do despite what you feel and expect the first results not to be so great. You will be pleasantly surprised how motivation arises from writing. These days I write firstly some ideas off line and then from there gain motivation to start writing on the forum. I am also writing a novel and the motivation for that comes from my forum fanfic writing. Motivation often needs to be 'jump started'. There are many days that I would rather not write but after I start writing, I either leave it at a smaller contribution or the motivation starts to flow and I find myself writing more and more.

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  • 6 months later...



I am new here, and was not sure properly where to introduce myself.


I need to spend some time familiarizing myself with the lay of the land.


I placed my primary interest on my profile.


I hope to be able to make contributions of value.



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