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BSN is shutting down; files there could be lost.


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Okay so if you go into your the fold where your main save is (mine is called BSNProject) at the very bottom is index.html - that one there on my end has everything saved except the index's that I can't see because I am not authorized to view a blog. 5k sounds about right. I ended up at 6.1k lol! That's how many blog posts and pages I wasn't allowed access to.

And if you keep scrolling you will see all the zip folders associated with the pages we can see. I also have polls at the bottom xD

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Only SIX pages so far are not "access denied" on my end. I went from a few error files to over 2k. I might have to start over and log into each and every page manually.

Most of these are probably user profiles. I tried backuping social.bioware.com, had no issues with projects (which are the most important). If we can't backup user profiles, meh, that's not too bad.

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Hmm so just for the sake of it the things that needed to be archived/backed up were...


Bioware Forums

BSN Projects

BSN Blogs

Mass Effect 1 page


Things we're unclear on but are backing up anyway:

DAO Toolset

DAO Wiki

Pre-Origin DLCs and patches


Was there anything else that might be going? Granted we can't backup BSN Projects, Blogs and Social forum group content that we do not have access to.

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My downloads


*BSN Legacy Projects, Visible Blogs; whole website that is available as of 4/Aug/2016

*Toolset, Wiki - available on Mediafire, Wiki redone on blog format on Fextralife, waiting until 26th before publishing

*Pre-Origin DLCs, Patches

*Original ME Website content and downloads


I am currently wedding and packaging BSN info for download on mediafire for anyone who wants to cross-check


I am holding off the BW forums because other people are currently downloading/scraping. I have backed- up all of the DA Toolset on Wayback for the moment. My ISP sent me a warning about my downloads so I need to be careful.

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Sounds like we have everything pretty much covered then?


It also pays to keep in mind that HTTrack as far as I can tell, even when finished can still be set to go back and find any updates to the content that it has archived. I don't think any/many of the old BSN stuff will likely be changing much, but this will be invaluable for the forum backups since there are constantly new posts popping up. And towards the end we'll likely get threads letting people know where the various bits of the community are migrating to. I'm guessing it would pay to make sure HTTrack can look for any updates after things have gone Read-only to catch any last changes.


Annndd yeah it does sound like it would be good for you to hold off from the forums Tarshana if you got a warning from your ISP, who knows what they think you're downloading XD

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okay, everything WAS going smoothly (although I ended up closing and reloading httrack, so the time and GB numbers here are not accurate) and now it's erroring out endlessly:





I'm at a loss -- anyone know what's going on here?

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mm, okay, I'll assume it's just stuff with no access, then. actually now it says the mirroring operation is complete, miraculously enough.


suggestions on what I should do next? how do I get past the toolset wiki's robots.txt?

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