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Better Dragon & Giants AI


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So, I can't mod myself so i'm puting my idea here:


When a Dragon shows up and there are other things around the player like giants, crabs, bears, and other targets the Dragon just goes crazy and doesn't pick on until its dead, instead when it flies around it sometimes randomly changes target.


Why not make it pick a main target and stick with it until its dead? maybe mark secondary targets to breath while flying around!


And the Giants well they are mostly peaceful right? So after they help you kill a dragon why don't they just go back instead of attacking you? didn't you just help them?


two more thing: wild animals should run away terrified from the dragon and not go fight him lol... and it would be awesome if the dragon could pick their targets and trow them far away, including the player(depending on the dificulty) that would give the player a reason to avoid them when they fly very close to you



thats my idea of a mod to improve the combat AI... Hope someone likes it and can do it!


in a nutshell:

1. Dragon has a main target and sticks with it until its dead

2. Dragon has secondary target that he may attack whey flying near them (but focusing on the main target)

3. After helping Giants in combat they won't attack you, instead just leave if you don't attack them

4. wild animals will run away from the dragons (as they should be scared of them)

5. Dragons can pick the target and trow it far... just seems the thing a dragon would do!

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  On 11/23/2011 at 5:42 AM, AndrewWaltfeld said:

It would be nice if dragons showed up more often period. They don't... appear often enough randomly to make it seem like dragons are back in force terrorizing the country side.


What is this, I don't even...


Dragons spawn too much as it is. Don't think so? Try getting out more. Go near mountains or something. Damn things are everywhere, like a virulent plague or something! I can barely walk out of a cave or something without hearing a dragon roaring overhead. Seems like a good percentage of the time I fast travel near a quest target, there just happens to be a dragon appear as I'm running to my marker. So aggravating...


Aggravating because 80% of the time they never land, and 15% of the time that they do it's in some very inconvenient location.

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I think the dragons occur often enough without fiddling with.

I do dislike their AI, Afterall if your taking massive damage from some crazy guy with a bow/magic it seems unlikely that you'd then change targets to a mudcrab/wolf/skeever etx that is no threat........


Had this happen chased a frost dragon that kept flying away to oneshot little creatures 100m away while ignoring the fact that 50% of its health was shot away, and then move 100m again to another..... bloody annoying.

Another occasion a dragon decided to ignore me in favor of attacking a mill, killed the two working there and a couple of mudcrabs then i killed it....


BTW are quest npc's essential, cause with the way that these dragons strike and there illogical form of targeting it seems that npc's are more at risk than the player and i don't want to miss out on quests cause a dragon flew away and prioritized a villager rather than the one steadily killing it.

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I like when they dont just land because it adds an "Oh s***-" feeling to it when they just chase after you and breathe fire on your ass. Also, along with the better AI I'd like a major buff on the dragons. I've seen an ice bear or snow bear or whatever slap the s*** out of a blood dragon at full hp. Feels like a dragon should have the upper hand.
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