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[Planned] Travel to Cyrodiil Mod


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I could perhaps help around with it. I'm currently doing a few projects my own and with a few others, so it wouldn't be too much, but everything helps right?

Texturing/modelling it would be, and some map editing. I didn't mess enough around the the Construction set for oblivion, but I'm a quick learner, so It shouldn't be a big problem.



Sure! i'd appreciate all the help i could get!

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as for legal issues, you could probably make like wasteland requim (FNV and FO3 combo) and simply require people to own both games. I am willing to help, I am moderately experienced with the construction set. PM me if you are looking to put together a formal team.
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I was just thinking about this the other night. (Before I read your thread.) I would love to help. I dont have much expereince with the Construction Set, but have a good ammount of expereince in other games. I'm confident with a tool as powerful as the CS I could pick things up quickly. I also have expereince in 3DSM.


A couple things I thought about. Things don't need to be exactly like Oblivion. The Oblivion gate crisis, a HUGE war, and 200 years of change, immigration/emigration and sprall would have vastly changed the geography of Cyrodill. I think it would be most fun to try and emulate such changes, and let the changes do the writing. It would be fun to have that element of new stuff to explore, but just enough familiarity to remind you that you were here 200 years ago. For example, Skingrad could look very different as counstruction changed the look of the city. But how cool would it be to run into the Count of Skingrad, Hassildor, a known vampire, who is still flagging around running the city.


Also, Bruma would be a great start because of how physically similar the climate, geography, and culture are to Skyrim. Its also closest to the Border.


I also concur, tracking down other people wanting to do this over other forums would be far more effective and ensure a product gets done.


PM me when you put together a team.

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Something else I thought about too. I think on the cannon Tamriel maps, Skyrim is about 1/2 to 3/4 the size of Cyrodiil. But I'm almost positive that the game Skyrim is larger than Cyrodiil was as it was presented in Oblivion. So there would be some scaling to think about here.
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Something else I thought about too. I think on the cannon Tamriel maps, Skyrim is about 1/2 to 3/4 the size of Cyrodiil. But I'm almost positive that the game Skyrim is larger than Cyrodiil was as it was presented in Oblivion. So there would be some scaling to think about here.


I think that could be attributed to poor cartography. I could be wrong but iirc the scale of each region has changed a few times. The lore seems pretty good at showing that the people of nirn don't really know whats going on. For instance in lore it is commonly believed that the stars are holes in the wall around nirn that the magic from the other planes leaks out of. (or something to that effect) If you take the skill menu as lore the starts are really just stars though. So considering the technology level I think it could be easily explained away that the map in oblivion was a cyrodiil centric map with a bias to that effect coupled with poor calculations or bad measurements. Least that's my opinion.

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Something else I thought about too. I think on the cannon Tamriel maps, Skyrim is about 1/2 to 3/4 the size of Cyrodiil. But I'm almost positive that the game Skyrim is larger than Cyrodiil was as it was presented in Oblivion. So there would be some scaling to think about here.


I think that could be attributed to poor cartography. I could be wrong but iirc the scale of each region has changed a few times. The lore seems pretty good at showing that the people of nirn don't really know whats going on. For instance in lore it is commonly believed that the stars are holes in the wall around nirn that the magic from the other planes leaks out of. (or something to that effect) If you take the skill menu as lore the starts are really just stars though. So considering the technology level I think it could be easily explained away that the map in oblivion was a cyrodiil centric map with a bias to that effect coupled with poor calculations or bad measurements. Least that's my opinion.


Actually none of the games have a correctly scaled map. Each povince is supposed to be several 100 mile wide but it would take bethesda about 10 years to make a game that size and the technology we have now couldn't run a game with that much area and all the detail put in to Skyrim. It would probably take half an hour to load everytime you walked out of a city. Also in Daggerfall you could only explore the areas around the Illiac bay but the games map was about 3 times the size of great britain (it was all randomly generated and looked the same everywhere) but after daggerfal bethesda decided to make small worlds but give them detail and unique areas so you wouldnt have to spend hours walking around in a forest that looke the same everywhere.

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Personally Cyrodiil is my favorite province and i would love to help rebuild it in Skyrim.


So here are my thoughts.


1. Bruma should have a completely different set of buildings from the way they were during Oblivion since those buildings would have rotted and fallen over a while ago and new ones would have been built in their places, with the exception of the chapel and castle which were made of stone and would still be standing but more worn that in Oblivion. The chapel would likely be closed down though since talos worship is banned


2. Cheydinhall wouldn't have changed to much in my opinion except it would probably have grown quite a bit since allot of the refugees from Morrowind probably would have gone there and it would most likely have a slum now since the refugees wouldn't have much money.


3. Chorrol would have changed the least since i don’t think it was involved in the war except for holding imperial troops before the battle of the red ring road.


5. Kvatch is rebuilt by now but it would have been conquered by the thalmor so it should have a strong thalmor presence and probably be rebuilt out of stone to avoid getting destroyed again.


6. Skingrad would probably not have changed much except for some damage since it was attacked by the thalmor but it should have already been repaired and Count Hasildor would have probably been replaced with a thalmor agent when the city was taken but he would still have a high ranking position.


7. Anvil would probably have grown quite a bit since that would be where all the thalmor ships would dock when heading into Cyrodiil but it would probably have had allot of changes to the original buildings since it was also captured by the thalmor.


8. Bravil is probably mostly a ruin with collapsed buildings everywhere and huge portions of its walls gone since it was in bad shape during oblivion and it was a major battle ground in the great war. i think it would probably like an elaborate maze of rubble and buildings that are halfway sunk into the Niben.


9. Leyawin probably drastically changed since it is now owned by kajhiit and was attacked allot during the war. Now it would probably contain a few old buildings but it would likely have allot of kajhiit style buildings since they would have been the ones to rebuild it.


10. The Imperial City would not have changed too much but it would have a lot of battle scars and a huge thalmor presence. The thalmor probably would have taken over the talos plaza and used it as their headquarters in the city and the thalmor would probably hold a section of the imperial prison and about half of the palace. I’m also assuming that the waterfront would have a ton more people living there since allot of residents would have lost their homes to thalmor agents. The Arena would probably be pretty different and be owned by the thalmor now since it generates allot of revenue. The elder council probably is half way controlled by the thalmor too. The thieves’ guild is probably living in the sewers now along with allot of other people who the thalmor would want dead, such as ex-blades, rebels ex-elder council members, and anyone else with power to challenge the thalmor. The arcane university is probably under thalmor control as well.


11. Cloudruler is probably burned to the ground but there might be a secret vault or something beneath it where the blades hid most of their treasures before they were killed. It would probably contain the armor of tiber septim, old blade armors all the weapons recovered by the champion of Cyrodiil, and his imperial dragon armor.


12. The wilderness probably would not have changed all too much.


13. The people are likely to be allot more worried and tired looking with the constant stress of war.


14. The guilds would still be functioning but would be monitored by thalmor at all times.


15. The Main Quest should revolve around a Rebellion against thalmor rule by Imperials who have lost their homes and families. The rebellion should be a quiet and more stealth full battle than the Stormcloacks and should focus more on a small group of about 100 or so men who don’t fight the Empire and are solely trying to remove the thalmor from Cyrodiil without causing a full scale war that would destroy the Empire. I think the quests should deal with stuff like infiltrating thalmor areas to steal documents and assassinate important thalmor figures. The quest line should conclude with a battle against a thalmor stronghold where the aldmeri dominions leader is staying, but unfortunately the majority of the rebels are killed in the assault while a small group of the rebel leaders attempt, and fail, to assassinate the aldmeri dominion leader which ends in the rebel leader being killed and telling the player to lead the remnants of the rebels away to fight another day, at which point you have to escape the stronghold and return to the rebel base which is now yours.


16. The rebels should be very stealth oriented and wear disguises while on missions. For example, while on an assassination mission the rebels dress like the dark brotherhood to attempt to hide their identities and they dress ass thieves’ guild members while stealing from the thalmor and they dress like bandits when ambushing thalmor troops. They should always maintain a low profile and the thalmor would keep the attack on their leader a secret to prevent more rebels from attacking them. (This also keeps the mod from hurting any of the lore in future games since no records would be kept of the rebellion and it would be like it never happened so it would make sense that it was not mentioned in future games.)


That is all the suggestions I have but you can definitely count me into your team. I have experience wth the construction set and made a few mods for oblivion so i think i would be a bit of help to your team.


Man, why did I spend an hour typing all this

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Not sure if this has been said or not, but to all those concerned with the 'this is 200 years later' deal, it appears Bethsoft already took care of it. In the external link about the pre-landscaped areas of Tamriel linked so many times in previous posts, I must say that the change in geographical areas would be due to time passing. Water recedes, land rises, man terraforms the lakes, rivers and hills and what's left is what Bethesda has created in the seemingly pointless regions of Tamriel. Just my 2 cents.
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You'll need a proper project plan and try and figure out what modelling & texturing resources you need as early as possible.


You'd need to make sure that only original content, skyrim content, and modded skyrim content is used in the mod. You can't use models or textures from previous games, and you also can't modify resources from other games and then include them, however you can use old content for inspiration and reference. Whenever a new model or texture is submitted, there needs to be a procedure for making sure it's original, ripped from another game, and not just Oblivion content that's modified a bit.


Splitting the map into grid cells and assigning them to people is not an effective way to divide the work. Everyone has a different patten when placing resources so things would look very disjointed. It would be better to split the map into much larger sections, then have people go through in various passes (rock pass, waterfall pass, tree pass, mushroom pass, flower pass, QA, etc). The group can focus on a region at a time and keep the quality high.


ZER0777's ideas are similar to my ideas on where to go with a Cyrodiil mod.


If the development this mod is well planned and supported, and would work well with mods for other regions then you can count me in.

I've got 3dmodelling, texturing, programming experience, a lot of time spent in oblivion's world editor, plus I'm British so I can do some voice acting if required.

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I read about somehting for oblivion, that used an installation of morrowwind to port resources it needed for an oblivion/morrowwind thingie. It was even attempting to be able to use some of the questlines form morrowwind and it required having morrowwind installed to do it. I think it used some kind of program that would locate morrowwind on the computer, and port whatever resources it need for oblivion. It didnt get very far though the last time id checked it, years ago by now. it seemed very difficult to do and not worth it imo. like another guy posted itd be more interesting with new content/worlds and probably much easier than moving oblivion into skyrim 'legally'. I did think of how cool itd be to have some of oblivion in skyrim when skyrim came out, but I thought of the morrowwind/oblivion thing almost right away lol and the trouble it wouldnt be worth if anybody attempted that. if you ever pulled it off though, that would be amazing but it would probably take years to do. and from scratch youd likely need a team of people, and it would still take a couple of years
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