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Would it be possible to implement a permadeath mod for Skyrim?


I'd imagine this could be done by deleting all of a character's saves upon death, thus destroying that character entirely.


Maybe it could be done through the character name.

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OR...you can just start over when a character gets killed...



This. I am running a dead is dead game (AKA ironman in some circles), and in order to facilitate it I simply turn off autosave and restrict myself to only saving when I'm done with that save. It'd be nice if Beth did something like X3:Terran Conflict, where you actually have a file attached to the Steam account so you can't edit it, but that's a pipe dream.

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  • 2 years later...

Autosaving is needed to recover from when bugs and glitches happen that shuts down your game.


I think what is needed is a mod that stops the game from reloading automatically when you die and instead either takes you to a "you are dead" screen before returning you to the title screen, or taking you directly to the title screen.


The reason why I think this is needed is that it is so easy to just keep going after the game auto-reloads.

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There is a mod that deletes your saves. Be sure to read the comments though:


Hardcore Mode

I don't know....


To me having all your saves on your drives deleted is a little extreme. I would probably wait until I see if he narrows down the deletion to the character in play at the time of death.


That does not solve the problem of auto-re... wait a second it does, if you have no saved file to load, it definitely works, although it does not seem like the best method because it deletes all other character's save files.

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