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Akaviri Imports


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Lorewise, aren't things like Elven, Dwarven, and Daedric katanas a little bit silly?

Well elven and dwarven might not fir lore, but deadric katanas dai-katans, tantos, and wakizashi all fit fine... also steel of each mentioned since they are weapon types that didnt quite make it into Oblivion kinda like spears and crossbows.....


Anyways looks interesting ^^

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Lorewise, aren't things like Elven, Dwarven, and Daedric katanas a little bit silly?


Remember in Morrowind Daedric steel katanas? Lorewise: elven and dwrven katanas crafted after akavirii invasion in resemblance.


why not add dragon bone katana to?


Would be great to have other dragon bone weapons too (as an idea: daedric stats + bonus damage to dragons)


You can add your weapons to crafting in differrent category (akavirii or existing) with a quest, book or a trainer (they can have slightly better stats then their original counterparts).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dragonbone katana would be kinda cool, I'll look into that.


At the moment I'm trying to finish off a model that I'm happy with (I'm fussy :P), here's a WIP


Note: The straight blade is intentional at the moment, the curvature will be the last thing I change.


Mine is the top model, the bottom one is the Akaviri Katana thats already in the game.

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Ultimately I like the style of Japanese weaponry, as do a lot of people.


Fair enough.


Generally speaking, they're a much more lethal weapon than a longsword or broadsword.


You're wrong. A weapon isn't lethal, the wielder is. The effects of being slashed with a katana, or a broadsword is more or less the same.


But I agree that it would not be weird finding the odd katana made of this or that material. It would, however, be weird if there are more asian weaponry than anything else combined.


Looking forward to see the results.

Edited by Sabatasso
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You're wrong. A weapon isn't lethal, the wielder is. The effects of being slashed with a katana, or a broadsword is more or less the same.


But I agree that it would not be weird finding the odd katana made of this or that material. It would, however, be weird if there are more asian weaponry than anything else combined.


Looking forward to see the results.


True, the difference is that a broadsword is designed to basically smash through armor. A katana is not, or a least not heavy metal armor.

They also take a lot less strength than a broadsword to swing around, however in the wrong hands they're easily broken.


Ultimately its about aesthetics when it comes to a mod such as this.



I've been watching a lot of tutorials on uvw mapping, and discovered that I was doing it very..very..wrong.

I have continued playing with the model and re-mapping it a fair bit, heres another WIP of the basic mesh with a throw-away texture I through together.


Note: The wrapping on a seperate uvw map than the 'same' underneath.

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