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1st Person Horse View and Combat


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Probably the two things I want most right now.


1st-person view when riding horses and able to fight while on a horse.


I stick to 1st person 100% of the time unless I want to see the armor I'm wearing, I hate how it forces me to go 3rd person with horses.. why not give us the option, makes no sense.


And they need combat, getting on and off horses to kill stuff is beyond retarded, how did Bethesda think this was a good idea?


If these are possible with mods that would be amazing.

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Probably the two things I want most right now.


1st-person view when riding horses and able to fight while on a horse.


I stick to 1st person 100% of the time unless I want to see the armor I'm wearing, I hate how it forces me to go 3rd person with horses.. why not give us the option, makes no sense.


And they need combat, getting on and off horses to kill stuff is beyond retarded, how did Bethesda think this was a good idea?


If these are possible with mods that would be amazing.



i'd love to have both. i dream about that Bethesda would buy the RedDeadRedemption horse animations and combat system. ohhhh that would rock skyrim.


actually not having horseback combat in skyrim is what bothers me the most. mount&blade, twoworlds, reddeadr. all did it.

further whats really annoying is that when you get off your horse, it starts attacking your foes and gets in the way...


so i totally support this request and i would willing to pay for this feature. either to a modder or for a DLC!!

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I too would like to see a first person locked mod. Though I would prefer it if I could stay in first person for everything. Horseback riding, because the horse animations make me cringe, smelting, smithing, mining, etc. I like first person, and I would like to stay there. I would also love to have a view of my body and legs when looking down, but that's not as important to me.
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horse combat absoluteley!


im guessing they had animation problems with it and did not ship. thats a thing you put very low on your priority list and try to implement close to the end (unless your gameplay relys heavily on it)


horse combat (apart from magic and ranged weapons) requires lots of new animations for all the possible moves.


i would want to have a look at the code portion for riding cause i bet there might be unsurmountable problems with that code to get mounted combat to work (at least with the mounts currently implemented)

i think we will be better off doing it from scratch and discarding the current horsies (shitty animations anway ;) )

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further whats really annoying is that when you get off your horse, it starts attacking your foes and gets in the way...


Oh man, that IS annoying. Is there a mod for this yet, too? :biggrin:


I'm fairly sure I was able to play Oblivion and see in first person when mounted. As for horse combat, I imagine that they ran into some technical problems, or they would have considered adding it in Skyrim.


Yup, I forgot to mention Oblivion had 1st person horses, which makes it even more odd they didn't give us the option for Skyrim. I see no obstacles in there way if they already did it in Oblivion. :geek:


I too would like to see a first person locked mod. Though I would prefer it if I could stay in first person for everything. Horseback riding, because the horse animations make me cringe, smelting, smithing, mining, etc. I like first person, and I would like to stay there. I would also love to have a view of my body and legs when looking down, but that's not as important to me.


Yeah, I would download a mod for 1st person everything, too!




I can see horse combat being impossible to implement now, we would have to wait until Bethesda releases the Creation Kit for modders, then maybe a dedicated person could rework and add new animations and introduce horse combat. I mean, how epic would it be to have the horse in auto-run while we were in 1st person ready to line up a shot with a bow and arrow to kill someone with a headshot? :teehee:


I was hoping 1st person horse view could be unlocked sooner.

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