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All this talk of making Skyrim look more realistic...


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Hi! I'd like to say to you something important about crafting in Skyrim you should work on. I am a modder (I've made well known mod for Space Empires V) so I know the work for the community well. Take it seriously and mayby you will help with that because it is the most annoynig thing in Skyrim which keep me out ot this great game.


In Skyrim a player gets all of crafting reciptes with perks automatically. It should be changed to reciptes which have to be buy for money instead of get from perks. Perks should give a player a possibility to craft stuff known from reciptes only. It is a huge change, probably needs creation kit and can be made from January when CK will be available. Now, the automatical way is the most annoyning thing in game, very unnatural and it kills the enjoy of crafting very effectively. Please consider my opinion as important one.


The second thing which makes Skyrim far from RPG games is lack of a player screen!!!! It is unbeliveable that the game have no one. On this screen can be a character statistic, wearing stuff and effects. With this will well work system when stuff has it's original statistic not linked with a character perks. For example an armor should have 29 points of defender always instead of 31 or 32 with a player +20% perk as is now. On a player screen it should be overall defender points with this 31 not 29 when weared. Now it is very unnatural when a player has a light armor (a player has light armor improvement perks) which has more defender points that a heavy armor and this is not funny, but kills the reality of the game.


Please consider my point of view. It is important to change the system of crafting because now there are some mods with new crafting items (added automatically, i think) but with a new system the modders should give the second element to their mods, the crafting reciptes for the new stuff and this is a huge work too. Without crafting reciptes the system we have now is very, very, very easy and unnatural. Mayby somebody can make a library of such reciptes.


Of course, the additional changes should consider one more element. Crafting poor stuff shouldn't give so much experience as more advanced stuff. For example, if crafting a knife gives (for example) 10% expierence when a player has 20 points in crafting, it should give 1% when a player has 30 points in crafting and so on. This is an example but I think You can see that crafting a knife when a player has 90 in crafting which gives 10% expeirence (for example) is a nonsense and a big one mistake.

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Yea.... I don't quite understand what he's trying to say either but I'm pretty sure he's in the wrong thread.


Couldnt have said it better myself. And he comes off a bit conceited as well...

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I've been following this thread for a while, excited for the mod, and now that I've checked it out, I have to say, wow, job well done! It's rough in a few areas, but it shows great potential, and I can't wait to see how it grows ^^


On that note though, I have photoshop, and I would like to help out with the texturing process. I've never re-textured before, and only roughly know how to do it, but I was wondering if I could join and attempt to help contribute what I can to this? Thanks.

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By all means, go for it. All the help we can get is welcome! Sources for sprites and textures are posted earlier in the forum. Be sure to keep track of any names on the sprite sheets you use, if they have a name on them (for credit purposes).

If you do not know how to Normal map, leave it to me. I am talking about those bright purple textures with an "_n" at the end of them.

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