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Performance ENB that doesn't require downloading from ENBdev


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Just hear me out. It's not because I'm too lazy to install anything that isn't plug-and-play.


I've actually tried to download an ENB once (don't remember which one) that required those Skyrim ENB files from that site, like almost every ENB asks for. I carefully followed the instructions and all, but something happened and it f*#@ed my game up REAL bad.


It was literally unplayable.


My mods got deleted (there were almost a 100 of them), my saves also (I was almost lvl 70) and the game wouldn't start at all. After a lot of googling and tweaking, I managed to open it only to see that it looks like it's still in development. It was just white, gray and green with lines around the characters and objects. I realized that my game was utterly broken and beyond repair so I just quit.


Several months later, I felt like playing again and installed it. I had Cinemascope for quite a while now. I wanna try another performance-friendly that's just plug-and-play or generally easy to install like Cinemascope because I'm too scared to repeat the same cycle with ENBdev.

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